Saturday, May 21, 2011

Giddy Up

Yeay my first post in May. Not so much in a mood to update really. Let's see what I've been up to the past twenty-something days.


Okay fine, none worth mentioning. Sure did enjoyed it though. Motivation takdak, kerajinan takdak, habuk ja lebih. Played lots of futsal. Hung out a lot. It was very much like summer holiday. A never ending one that is. Got into a fight. Having people to block me from their fb, then unblocked, and then re-friend, but then keep pissing them off. Then having people to remove me from their friend list, but then re-added them. Lol what in the world i was i up to?

Nak cari some part time jobs, but I realized that I cant do them anytime soon. Got a couple of scholarship interview/assessment earlier next month that requires me to be away, traveling and all. I dont want to jinx it, so i guess I'll tell more about it next time. Motivation, please come back. Im not very much looking forward to these interviews. Tak rasa excited langsung. Rasa macam malas nak pegi. Rasa macam tak confident.

Ya Allah, please give me strength, bless me with fortitude. Hopefully everything goes well. This week, result for the usm admission will be out. *sigh. Have a big month ahead of me. And I hope I can lose some holiday weight, get on that horse and march on.