Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Terrific Trio

The key to a successful assignment task largely depends to your group members. I am glad that I have Yahaya and Hafiz. They were the best of colleagues, and also the best of friends. Hafiz and I formed the Dynamic Duo during the first sem, and on the second semester Yahaya joined us from ICT Klang turning us into the Terrific Trio. Well, TT is what I wanted people to call us but most people and lecturers call us the Three Stooges >.<>

I remembered the first time I met Hafiz. Hafiz is an introvert. He rarely speaks unless he is spoken to. It was difficult to break the ice when I first met Hafiz but after a while we became all chummy. He's a computer geek and a korean freak. He also had this never ending love saga with his girlfriend that we kept telling him to leave. haha He rarely speaks his mind, and at times he struggled coming up with an ideas. However he found his true role in this so called TT. He's the implementor. The way he transfer concepts and ideas into a piece of paper or into the computer screen is a masterpiece. He is the kind of guy who can turn something abstract into something obvious. And he have the patience and virtue to do things that is redundant: like how he spent almost half of his weekend working on this 60 seconds timer on our powerpoint presentation.

Yahaya is an introvert too, but unlike Hafiz, he is a reserved guy. Mamat ni macam tak pernah ada problem. Usually Hafiz and me will whine and whine about our problems and all he does is listened. He's a superb listener. I mean if you told him about your neighbour's pony named Carly that was sick, a few semester later he would go on asking "Hey how's carly doing?" lol. Yahaya dont contribute much during the build up of our assignment. Selalunya bila kami dah taip 3 page, dia baru merangkak-rangkak taip half a page. But he is vital towards the end of our assignment. He's the controller. He's like our quality inspector. He would go on nag and nag "eh bolehkah buat camni, mr azrul suruh buat mcm lain" and "eh takpa ka kita buat reference tak ikut format harvard". So usually he will do the proof reading and editing. :D

Me on the other hand is a lazy bum. I did things just barely enough. Salu cincai ja buat kerja. And yes, most lecturers recognized my lazy and messy handwritings and i usually got ripped because of that. But I am the master planner. I usually came up with the concept, the main ideas. And once I came up with the ideas, I would figure out what to do and how to do it. So that concludes planning and organizing. Yes, Im still that unorganize and unsystematic brat but when it comes to assignment, we never get behinds schedule and usually when others dok kelam kabut buat assignments, we just sit back and chillax (chill+relax). So in short, I came up with the main ideas, Hafiz elaborates and work on it and Yahaya perfected it. Dont get me wrong, we still do the assignment together but at every stage, each one of us took charge.

Together, we had done some great and out-of-the-ordinary-work, the management students had seen. We pulled the best (and still the best) multimedia presentation, according to Miss Nazleen, who had been showing our work to the juniors. We pulled that prosecutor versus defense trial, jadi lawyer when presenting our Persuasive Speech. We got the strongest reliability and variance in our research thesis. We pulled that extravagant Seniman Bujang Lapuk sketch, siap dgn props and pocket bike ( i kid you not kami bawak pocket bike masuk DM). We also nailed the Public Relations presentation, dengan slide kosong (putih ja takdak apa pun) and all we did was print screen news dari internet which Puan Idayu described as 'lazy and dull but awfully concise.' xD

Another thing about the TT is that we clearly understand each other. It's like we have telepathic powers, we can say lots of things in less words. Happens all the time. Our classmates would make the 'wtf' face everytime we did that. Cakap sepatah dua tiba2 gelak. Mana member tak hangait. Haha. And also, we always look out for each other. Yes sometimes (maybe lots of times) we screwed up. But mostly on these occasions, either one of us would stepped up and ripped that clothe of them like Clark Kent and saved the day. All in all, Im grateful to have these two by my side. Last semester was the first time that all three of us scored 3.5 and above, and there's nothing more than can top the feeling of sharing success together. I value their friendship highly, and I dunno what would I be without them. Thanx guys.

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