Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bad Luck

Been experiencing a run of bad luck this week. Earlier this week, I was ticketed by the police. Why? Sebab melawan arus jalan. Bloody hell. It was 4 am in the morning. I was at seberang jaya, just going back home from futsal. Being a mainlander, how am i suppose to know which road yang one way and which road yang tak one way? Bloody police takdak courtesy langsung.

Earlier that day, we were robbed of a futsal game by some lowlifes who thinks that they can just come to the futsal centre and play against us. It was plain simple. Kami tak set game dgn depa, tapi depa perasan kami set game dengan depa. Miscommunication at its best. Bila mai seberang jaya all the way from the island, and tgk kami main dengan team lain, mula tak elok nak mintak duit minyak tol segala. Nabil got into troubles, but credits to Nizam and co, the lads whom we were playing against that night for being such a gentleman in handling the matter. In the end, we teamed up with nizam's team playing against those lowlifes.

The next day on Sunday, I played in a futsal tournament at Seri Delima. We lose in the second round and to our dismay, we really had that game in our hand. We had countless of chances but we didn't find the goals that we needed. Talking about bad luck, huh? Ada 10 chances tapi, 1 pun tak masuk. *sigh. Then on Monday, abah asked me to opened up a company bank account. Abah set up a company to do some business but since abah is a government servant he cant register the company under his name. That's how I came along, using my name as the company director serving as his proxy.

Tapi bila nak bukak akaun, chip IC aku lak tak boleh pakai. So tak bleh go through the thumb print process and in the end, kena postpone. But since it's urgent because abah needed it asap, then we had no choice but to remove me out from the company. But there could be a silver lining in this all. With me applying for scholarships etc., having my name as a company director could hinder my chances of getting one. Especially government-based scholarhip like JPA.

There are others that happened as well, but as the post got longer, the moodier i got. Dah rasa cam tak best dah nak cita lagi. Spoil mood betui. Urgh. Hopefully this series of bad luck will end latest by Friday. Because come Friday, both results for USM intake and YSD scholarship final stage candidates list are out. Man, dont think I could handle two bad news in one day. Harap2 la suma ok. Amin. Amin. Amin.

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