Saturday, September 20, 2014

From one cigarette to another.

It has been 9 months. A lot has changed. I changed. My priorities changed.

I've embarked into the working world now. Been doing internal audit, but not for long, as I will go out onto other sections and divisions of my company for my management trainee program. Work is okay. Sure it sucks having to adapt from student life into a more routine exercise, but it's fine. I can't complain I've seen my fair share of good and bad days. But one thing I'm sure, I am motivated as ever.

I have my long term goals. From climbing up the corporate ladder to having my own start-up company to getting married. I dream big, I'm hungry as ever. I have that 'unstoppable' feeling inside me. I have faith in myself and loved ones that everything will turn out okay. But I won't get complacent, I know how to manage my expectations and to always remember to keep my feet on the ground. 

One thing about us gen y (heck yea i consider myself a gen y) is that we are generally impatient. We want things as fast as possible; 'Aku nak gaji banyak ni,' 'aku nak buat kerja ni,' 'aku nak pangkat ni'. Sometimes this could lead us into disillusionment. I myself included. I realised there's no short cut to it. So how do I manage my expectation? Like I've always did. Baby steps.

Hidup dari minggu ke minggu. If it's too long, disassemble it into 'dari hari ke hari'. If it's still too long, disassemble it even further into 'from one smoke break to another'. That's how I power through my day. 

I go to work, promised myself to work hard and reward myself with a smoke break. These small short term goals makes the difference into realizing our long term goals. If I dwell too much with long term goals, I tell you Im going to go insane. Asyik dok pikiaq macam-macam; bila nak naik pangkat, bila nak naik gaji, bila nak kahwin, bila nak buat CFA, bila nak habis mtp, bila nak beli rumah. And after that comes the disillusion.

So yeah, going to work isn't actually sucks because it keeps me sane. Weekend lain cerita la, memang disillusion habis dok pikiaq macam-macam sebab takdak that baby steps approach. But I just love 'escaping' into that future realm every now and then. Because after all, these long term goals are what keep you going. As long as there's balance between the two i think should be okay kot. Off to the future realm we go..

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