Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The holiday

Hey blog.. I hate holidays. Wah, intro mau ala-ala novel chick flick yang aku baca adik aku dok baca. Where were we? Oh, ok I hate holidays. Especially this time of the year. Time nilah ramai budak2 IPTA/IPTS balik cuti. Time nilah jugak budak2 yang study overseas balik Malaysia, summer holiday kata mereka. Soon, the country will be swarmed of students on holiday with nothing much to do. So this is the best time for them to hang out with their long lost/separated friends, catching up kata mereka. Well, where does “I hate holidays” got anything to do with it? Erm, the part di mana proses catching up tu involves me.

Great. Flame me all you want blog, but for the past few years I have been avoiding them. Tak kira kawan pfs or kawan mrsm. To be honest, I don’t really know why. When I think about it, I can come up with hundreds of reasons answers. Maybe I’m not ready. Maybe I’m feeling inferior. Maybe I’m a wuss. Maybe I’m a loser. Maybe I’m a loser and I can’t deal with it. Maybe I’m a loser and I can deal with it but can’t deal with what people might think of me. Maybe Im a kiasu. Maybe Im being plain paranoid, given brapa banyak maybe aku fikir daa..

I’ve been avoiding text messages, phone calls, sampai to the extend aku terpaksa offline YM and MSN seeing how persistent they are in trying to contact me. *sigh. I mean come on, what is there to catch up? To them maybe a lot. But to me, nah. Nothing much. I can easily sum up my life with ‘Yeah, I threw away my SD scholarship just to pursue a career in football but failed after I got injured. Ok, aku balik dulu, aku dah habis catch up dah.’ Or in a more detailed, literal way:

Ali: Aku nak kahwin Jun ni. Pas kahwin aku nnt balik moscow and abeskan MD aku. After a year, aku nanti balik mesia, buat housemanship. Tak pun aku sambung. Aku ingat nak specialize in neurology eh, oncology la best sket, eh cardiology la, lagi kaya.

Azmil: Congrats weh! Aku..aku..aku.. aku tak abes lagi diploma.

Ok fine maybe aku ada inferiority complex. Ataupun memang aku kiasu. But seriously I don’t mind being the laughing stock. I don’t mind being judged. Apa orang nak kata, apa orang nak judge terpulang la kat depa. What I mind is being hurt when I have to recap balik what I’ve been through all this while. It is effking painful to go through that once more, explaining things yang belum tentu orang akan faham. Buat apa? Baik tak payah. And speaking about hurt, it is likely they will ask about H. Since we were the high school sweet hearts and we lasted for like 5 years, until one day she left. Talking about it, no, thinking about it ja pun dah makes my heart ache.

I appreciate their intention, insisting on meeting up with me. Kalau aku jadi depa, dah lama aku give up. Watpa nak ambik peduli dengan mamat kerek, sombong, kera sumbang etc. But Im just not ready. They don’t have any idea what I’ve been through and Im not ready to open up to everyone. That’s why I pushed them away. Maybe one fine day…I’ll start messaging you guys in YM (yes they are in my ym list but I’ve came up with excuses just to avoid conversation everytime they pm me) or even add you guys up in FB. But for the time being, I’m damaged.

ok tak cun


  1. huu i dont know why i shud feel sad when i read this.i know,it's not ur intention to get sympathy from someone or what..it reminds me to something..it happened when i was form 4 but hee malas lah nak ingat dah..you r not damaged,u did well in ur diploma,get degree and built ur confident back..We never know what's coming up in future..Allah is the best planner..He has planned a better future for us..Allah does not impose on any self any more than it can bear...
    no wonder,patutlah lama x on ym..maybe niat depa nak jumpa u bukan nak menunjuk2 or apa,sbb kita yang fikir mcm tu,tapi ya la..mcm u ckp is hurt to recap back everything..think positive!5 years? huhu i yg baru cple 2 years pun dh rasa mcm haih u know that..

    sorry byk membebel di petang hari

  2. so true~ :D it was a life-changing experience, for the better I hope. Im trying to put the past behind but still it's going to take lots of time. 2 years? Kalau 2 tahun pun, if the relatnship have a great depth and impression, damage dia ttp sama dgn org yg couple 5 tahun. it's beladi hard at first but then we'll get over it eventually. Haha sorry tak bermaksud menagih simpati. it's just that first time seorang lelaki macho menggunakan perkataan 'hurt', 'painful' dan 'heartache' dalam karangan beliau. hahaha

  3. Hopefully..Time doesn't really heal everything, it just numbs the intense pain a bit..kan? :( I came across a quote said that moving on is when we are able to look back at old memories without feeling sad..About my past relationship,I'm glad it happened now,rather than it happen bila dh kawen nanti..masa tu,menyesal pun tak guna..the next guy in my life wud be my husband..haha cewahh! eleeeeeeh..nak jugak dia title macho tu..dah kurang dah macho..hahaha..u r so passionate in football sampai sanggup reject SD scholarship..very brave decision..pheww!

  4. yep sometimes tu rasa la jugak. but i think it's normal because we forgive, but not forget. It would be foolish to forgive and forget because if we forget, we dont learn anything and pisang might berbuah dua kali in the future. that's why Im being extra extra careful when it comes to finding the right girl. It is going to take lots of time to look back without feeling sad. I'm having trouble with moving on jugak. But I think Im improving a lot. Dulu when I looked back, Im unhappy with the present. But now when I looked into the past, Im happy with the present.

    Doesnt change the fact that I still feel sad when I think about the past, but its nothing more than just a feeling. And also, my present happiness surpass my past sadness. At some point, you will be able to distinguish between loving him and remembering how did it felt loving him. When you can distinguish that, you're golden. One, you will realized that you dont love him anymore and two, you'd be grateful instead of being sad. Hence: looking back at old memories without feeling sad.

    Haha terpengaruh sangat tengok Doctor Phil, konon2 reltnship expert la nih. Zzz. Entah u paham ka tak. I pun tak paham apa i mepek. urgh

  5. Haha adeh,nak tergelak baca last sentence..Kalau u double extra,i need to be triple extra careful in finding right guy..sbb i perempuan,i need someone who can lead me to the right way,to be someone who can i depend on in my life sooner or later..kalau u takpa,tak puas hati jer ngn wife nnt boleh je ugut kawen lain..HAHA (pls don't try this at home)..Don't get rush into things,mcm ur fren ada gf..u pun kena ada jugak..For me,it's wrong..relationship is a commitment which u need to take only when u r really ready..As for me,i'm not afraid of commitment but i'm scared of being hurt..haihh

    Alaa,kat ICT kan banyak perempuan cun2..guys kan suka sangat perempuan cantik? haha emo pulak kat sini..haha Now i dah macam anti-lelaki,nanti nak buat persatuan anti lelaki kat ICT..hahaha..ceyh

  6. haha it's the other way round. I need someone who is more dominant than me. Someone who can lead me and someone whom I can depend on. Which is odd, since I'm a proud chauvinist. How on earth would I listen to a woman and let them be the dominant one?

    Memang banyak, but malasla. Im taking my own sweet time enjoying life. Lagipun I still have a long way to go. Study pun tak abes gi. *sigh* haha may it please the court, silakan. tetapi pertubuhan lelaki alpha-male dan chauvinist ict will pwn your club long before you even start the agm! haha

    Alaa..kat ict kan banyak lelaki kaya.. girls kan suka lelaki kaya? eh teremo plak. haha kiasu gila nak lawan balik. :P

  7. sat sat,u cakap proud chauvinist,then kalau u need someone yg lg dominant dari u,tak ka hari2 nanti ampa gaduh lawan tumbuk? haha

    Haha ceyh,i akan jadi presiden unt persatuan tu nanti..tiap2 hari buat kempen..lol..Haha ya ka byk laki kaya? awat i taktau ni?hahaha..ceyh,tak berminat la..kaya harta tapi suka mainkan perasaan perempuan buat pa..teremo lagi..

    komen ni dah jadi mcm pertandingan tulis entri pulak..got to go,kena bagi mandi adik.haha tata
