Friday, September 20, 2013

David vs Goliath

This post is related to the previous one about biding my time and how it help me in my life. A few years ago during college I have this lecturer of mine, who's difficult to deal with. He's a thorn to my side, mainly because he's a bully. He's a pushover, a dictator who thinks that he could simply get away with anything unscathed. His teachings was all over the place, erratic and he did so as he pleased. He entered the class, both hands in the pocket and started blabbering away. We didn't mind all that, really. Sebab ada ja lecturer macam tu. Yang emphasize on life learning instead of the textbook. Until when he announced our mid term marks. Semua orang dapat teruk time tu, and when we tried to confront him what went wrong, he belittle our effort and simply said that our performance was mediocre.

This angered us. Ikutkan hati memang terus nak report kat the the college registrar. Plus there's also suggestion for us to have a picket, to go against this unfair lecturer. I was in the MPP back then and I had some say in the student council. But, having learnt from the incident I experienced in mrsm, I urged cooperation from my classmates to be patience and tread carefully on this matter. We came out with a thorough step by step plans on how to approach this problem. Because what we were doing was risky. Satu, sebab this lecturer is the nephew of the owner of the college. Dua, sebab kalau kami approach benda ni wrongly, we would end up as the rebel or the bad guys,or the slander. Because basically what we were doing was accusing this lecturer as incompetent. Which was a serious allegations.

So first, we tried to find other lecturers who can back us up. Rupa-rupanya bila kami mengadu masalah ni kat lecturer lain baru kami dapat tahu yang we weren't on the wrong side of the table. Apparently other lecturers carried the same sentiments we had towards him but because nobody were brave enough to come forward, the other lecturers kept quiet because they could also get into trouble, given his 'untouchable' position in the college. And then the lecturers hooked us up a meet with the program coordinator. The program coordinator expressed her sympathy and revealed that actually for the past years that troublesome lecturer never submitted his marking schemes to her sedangkan it is compulsory to do so.

So she advised us to do a few procedures, given the delicate situations. First she told us to verbally asked our lecturer to discuss the mid terms paper in class. Even though we were very sure that he will decline, we had to ask anyway, so that the next steps could be justified. Then only we could come out with a letter, some kind of a petition addressed to the registrar to demand for our papers to be remarked. In addition, we should also collect testimonies from seniors who had studied in his class to support our claim. Memang renyah. Banyak sangat procedures and steps yang kami kena buat. Tapi benda yang paling best kami buat ialah, kami masuk kelas lecturer ni macam biasa. Kami still pergi kelas, still layan karenah dia, still senyum-senyum walaupun dia camdek and perli kaw-kaw (especially aku sbb dia tau aku yang pegi report kat admin). Bersangka baik walaupun dalam hati rasa tak selesa dengan dia. And Alhamdulillah, in the end we got what we wanted. 

Dia pun tak sentap dgn kami. Kami pun tahan pi lah whatever drama he threw at us. So mungkin dia pun terbuka hati nak dengar permintaan kami. I tell you never fight fire with fire. Because it will only get you into trouble. Sabar. Ikut prosedur and hope for the best. Memang benda ni menyusahkan, dan kadang-kadang kesabaran tu memang dah semakin menipis , but if you do things properly, it will go on your favour. I wonder what would have happened if we were to do a picket against him? or if we launched a boycott against him by not going to his class? or if we reported this matter to external organisations like GPMS, or worst seek legal counsel?

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