Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final of the final

Saat yang dinanti-nanti tiba. Bukan, bukan sbb dpt tgk Nora Danish berkemban dan bukan jugak dapat join trick or treat halloween tapi sebab the final exam of the final semester is around the corner. Starting this Monday with strategic management, pastu on the 9th ada hr management, and the triple header; English, Keusahawanan and Operation Management consecutively from 12-14 November. Rasa macam-macam. Takut ada, excited ada ,happy ada, sedih pun ada.

No matter how sentimental i get, it's business as usual. I wont take this examination lightly. Treading over this thing carefully making sure that I am fully equipped and healthy to take on the last hurdles in Island College of Technology. Macam biasa, kena fokus kat subjek strategic management and subjek Cik Azrul which is keusahawanan. Have to make sure that I double up my effort on these subjects. Ada takhta untuk dipertahankan. Ada maruah untuk dijaga. Hehe

I got a few job offers, mostly from banks and kilang. I am also offered a few internship position but I still cant make up my mind. I really hope that I can decide as soon as possible. Before all these people naik meluat dengan aku. They are banging on my doors, not with just one hand but with both hands. Tiap kali call, mesti ckp mintak tangguh. Sebab aku teringin gak nak resume tuition class and instrument class aku. Tapi at the same time, tringin gak nak keja dengan orang.

Ah letak tepi dulu. Concentrate on being able to graduate first, Azmil. And only after that you can decide carefully what you;re going to do next. It's hard not to give a damn when you really adore someone. You still stalk them, you still wants to know whats going on with their life, and you still want to support them no matter how far you're apart. Sokong dari jauh, concern dari jauh. I really hope that I can stop. Because giving without even taking is not what real men and businessmen do. Now lets go do some studying.

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