Friday, October 22, 2010

Okay, but not okay enough

I've been caught up with rl stuff, so i havent have the time blog and stuff. The past two weeks has been real challenging- with presentations, assignment submissions, quizzes, syllabus completion, emotional turmoil but Alhamdulillah I braved through it all. Some things are a lil screwed up, but Im just gonna have to deal with it alone. Im not concentrating on being the best anymore, instead i just want to do enough. With exam is just around the corner, the pressure is mounting.

Tahniah dekat kawan-kawan komunikasi yang dapat menjalankan FYP depa dengan berjaya. Event semua best-best weh. Two thumbs up. Tak kiralah autoshow or futsal tourney. Both are worth to attend to. :) Sorry tak dapat tolong ampa banyak2 dok jiwa kacau lagi time tuh. Hehe. tapi ok la, as usual jadi trophy delivery man tuk autoshow and jadi rules regulator untuk futsal tourney. :) as usual, team futsal kami dapat pi sampai quarter ja. Kalah penalti :'( Sorry guys, Im not worthy your captain.

We should at least improve but kita kat kat takuk tu jugak. That's why i was wondering to hand over the captaincy to someone else but you guys insist on me being the captain. Thanks for the support. I really hope that we can still play together in the future, wherever you are. Time kalah tu, memang sedih gila. Bukan sebab kalah, tapi sebab this might be the last tournament we play together. As friends, comrades and teammates. Ari la orang paling sedih, cause he didnt convert that last penalty. Thats okat Ari, that guy can be anybody. I screwed up at penalties sometimes too.

And during the last few weeks, the bond between the classmates are getting stronger than ever. Yang tak pernah bercakap, cakap. Yang dok gaduh, baik. We did quite a lot of activities together. We went bowling, visited Kek Lok Si, picnicking at Teluk Assam, minum juice kat tropical farm and many more. Im going to miss you guys, seriously. Each and everyone of you. Dah jadi macam adik beradik. I love them all. Girlfriend/Boyfriend comes and go, but friends are forever. :) And because of these friends, Im getting better day by day.

People deal with knockbacks in life, whatever they may be, in different ways. You build a protective mechanism so it wont hurt you. If someone punches you in the nose, it hurts, so the next time it happens, you'll put your hands up or you expect it's coming, so you soften the blow. It's like that with love. It hurt to start with, it hurt a little bit less the second time and now it doesnt hurt as much. But that doesnt mean I've given up.

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