Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Just came back from futsal. Hell yeah we played futsal at 3 in the morning, in the new year. Every body seems to be so upbeat by coming early, given that our national team won the AFF Championship. Earlier before futsal, I worked at Baskin helping out with their 31st promotion sales since they are a little shorthanded. The girlfriend invited me since she knows some people there. Thanks bushuk ;-). Damn it feels good. I got to refresh the feelings I had when I worked for BR right after my SPM. Ah..the good ol days.

Its 2011 now. Damn times went by so fast. :'( Resolution, resolution, resolution. I have a few in mind, but lets just keep it to myself. And Im probably gonna have some good news in a couple of days, but also, let just keep it to myself for this time being. Im praying for great things to come this new year. A few transitions, a few changes are in order, which I hope for the better :-). While I remain jobless and hopeless, bushuk is going to kick start her career this Monday. She landed herself a job at Deloitte working in theTax Dept. Wishing her all the luck in the world.
It had been quite a spectacular year for me. I wished I covered them all in my blogs, but sadly with my laziness etc, my wished wont be granted. So many things happened, but at least, today I can held my head up high with the way I finished. Granted, I had a colourful and great start, but it wont mean anything if I were to finish badly. I am satisfied with the way I ended this year. After all how you finish is all that matters. How you start isnt. For example, nobody will remember that Indonesia beat Malaysia in the opening match of AFF Suzuki Cup, but everybody will remember that Malaysia beat Indonesia in the final. Wah pandai betul merepek beranalogi. Bye

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Laser? Apa laser-laser? Apa Laser? Apa? Apa bukti?

Hell Yeah The CUp is OURS!

pic source:

Monday, December 27, 2010

you dont miss your water till the well runs dry

As I sail with you across the finest oceans
On our way to find the key to our emotions
Together we will move the clouds to brighter days
Some people question what I say
Tried to break up you and me
But I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me whenever from wherever
Just remember that
I'll be there
Through all the stormy weather
Us break up never
No we'll be together

You don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly in you and I
Can somebody answer me the question why
You don't miss your water til the well runs dry

As I close my eyes
Sit back while reminiscing
Of when we used to fuss and fight but end up kissing
There may be sad and painful times along the way
But in my heart you'll always be everything and more to me
For I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me whenever from wherever
Just remember that
I'll be there
Through all the stormy weather
Us break up never
No we'll be together


For you are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
Girl you know that you
You are always
You are always on my mind
You are always forever


You don't miss your water girl no
But I believe so strongly in you and I yeah
Can somebody answer me the question why
Cause you don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry yeah listen
If you ever get the feeling
You wanna play around starting cheating, remember
You don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry

p.s: esok takda ayaq. water runs dry tehee

Friday, December 24, 2010

Aku mandom dan manja.

Okay...when i was on sabbatical, I didnt just sit back at home, lazing around and watch spongebob. I also did some serious rl stuff too. I hung out with Adam who's on holiday, spent some quality time with the girlfriend, and I got myself a job too. But it wasnt for long. I called it quit after three days. Tehee. Yahaya and Hafiz recommended me the job. They had already started working for a week when I started. The idea of terrific trio reunion got to me and I got really excited, so I applied for it. Kat mana? Erm Lets just say it's a hypermarket in Jelutong.

I was in the SRR Department which stands for Stock Replenishment Review. Well basically my job (routine) was to make stock adjustment, do Reduce to Clear pricing, do out-of-shelf-review, destroy products, and make an order to vendors if the stocks run out. Did you notice if you go to a store, there's someone who's walking around carrying a device that looks like a gun? Yep, that's an SRR staff. I used a lot of that scanner to do my work. In SRR we have all those routine that I've mentioned before to be done during the day.

I've worked in the Fresh Division. Under Fresh Division, there are a few department under it such as Seafood, Meat, Bakery and Delica, Produce (fruits and vegetables) and Daily n Dairy (icecream, frozen food, yogurt). Unlike me, Hafiz and Yahaya are working together in the Grocery Division. Out of all the routine, RTC (reduce to clear) is the most hardest job. Basically, we are responsible to reduce the price of a product if a product is near to its expiry date. If you go to my store and saw a product with a yellow label, that means the products are sold at a very cheap price.

The decreased in price were totally set by the SRR department. Ikut suka mak bapak kami nak bagi kurang berapa peratus. Tehee. But the decrease kena la berpada-pada. Kalau barang elok lagi, setakat 25% cukup la. Tapi kalau barang dah ala-ala tak nampak lagu barang, kadang sampai 85% pun boleh. :-) Here comes the hard part. Since fresh division produk dia jangka hayat tak lama, kami kena banyak buat rtc. Sayur-sayur, ikan-ikan, memang kena buatla rtc kerap-kerap sebab jangka hayat product dia tak lama. Tambah-tambah department produce. Memang famous macam artis jugakla sebab orang dok kerumun kami nak tgk barang apa kami RTC. haizz..

Another routine yang mencabar is to destroy product. Biasala bila barang tak terjual and dah rosak, kami kena la buat destroy review. We have to go the loading deck, and present all of the stuff that we are going throw away in front of the duty manager. Bau barang2 ni memang terbaik. Hanyir, busuk, masam taktau nak kata. Hehe. It was fun though. But these are not the reasons why I quit. All in all I really love my job. The pay was quite good too. Like really good. But at this point in my life, Im not very much money oriented. The reason they gave us a good pay is because we need to finish all routine everyday.

Selagi tak abes routine, selagi tu lah tak boleh balik. Kadang2 dapat balik paling awal pun pukul 6. But most of the time pukul 7 lah. Masuk plak pukul 7 am. I cant afford that. It's too time consuming. Balik2 takdan nak buat apa dah kena get ready untuk esok. Dengan tuition apa suma, tau2 ja dah kena tido. My priority right now is time. Time for myself. Time for my family. Time for people whom I love. Call me mandom, call me manja but I wouldnt trade my time for an extra bucks just yet. Maybe later, when I finished my degree. But for now, I dont mind earning less so long I get to go home, feeling safe with the family.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Truly Honoured

Hey people. I was on a long sabbatical for quite some time. I didnt have the mood to update much. I only logged on every once in a while, tu pun sebab nak saja2 nak go through what I have written before. Couples of days ago, when I checked my fb inbox, I got a msg from a lecturer asking me this:

I was quite puzzled at first, but I tried answering the best I could. :-) she replied asking me to email her a pic of mine so that she can put it in one of her slide.

I am so honoured to be given the opportunity to inspire others. I dont think that I deserve any of that. I have my flaws and weakness too. But it feels good if I can help people out any way or another. Im truly honoured. Thank you so much. I remembered last time how I was asked by a lecturer to go in front of his semester 3 class and tell them a few tips on studying etc. :-)

Anyway, I still havent got my final results yet. I'm a bit nervous. I dont want to get my hopes up, tapi tipula kalau aku cakap aku tak kisah sngt. Haha. I wanted to be a part of the college history. I wanted to become a legend. Yahaya pernah cakap " Either way no matter what the result, you're still a legend. Kalau ang mantain sem ni, memang konform2 la ang legend. Kalau ang flop sem ni pun, ang still legend. Tapi legend untuk sem ni ja la. Sebab first time after three years ang tak mantain" Haha well said Yahaya.

Legend untuk sem ni? or an all time legend? Lets find out in a few weeks. :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I always find winger as one of the most fascinating position in football. To be able to play as a winger is a gift. You must time your run, you must anticipate better than others, and you must be at the right place, at the right time. Which are things that are cant be learnt. Thats why I said it's a gift. And yes, you must also have a lethal foot/feet to dribble past opponents, shooting for glory, and make a pinpoint crosses for others. This position has developed more into a more complex function over time. An orthodox winger only attacks. He sits deep by the touch line waiting to be fed and work on his magic.

But now in modern football things are different. Wingers have to track back and help the team defend. He cant just hang out by the touchline like last time. He must provide dimensions and dynamics to the team in order to create a fluidity in attack and also in defends. From my observation there are two types of wingers. One being the conventional winger who is very direct but effective like Giggs, Figo and Bale and another being that trickster winger who has tons of tricks up in his sleeve and uses it efficiently like Ronaldo and Messi. One emphasizes on effectiveness and another one emphasizes on efficiency.

Yes being a football fan, we usually are more thrilled watching the trickster winger do their magics. However those conventional wingers should not be belittled. I always enjoy watching those conventional wingers making direct runs at the opposition, using their speeds cutting in and out of defences. Another thing I like about being a winger is how much the fans put so much hope and faith in him. When the ball is passed to a winger by the third quarter of the field, the fans will rise from their seats, excited and all restless at the same time. Is he going to bottle it? Is he going to screw up? Are we going to score?

End product from a winger is crucial. A winger performance is not evaluated with how many people he can beat by dribbling or how many tricks that he can do. He is evaluated by his end products. What is meant by 'end product' is the quality of his final touch, whether its a cross, a pass or a shoot. Botoi pi la sepuluh orang pun kalau final touch lingkup tak guna jugak. For example, Nani is a great winger but usually his end products are frustrating. All the hard work splitting the opposition defence should not go wasted. A winger have to make sure that his work counts or at least mean something. Ok enough of being a football pundit. Laters