Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Just came back from futsal. Hell yeah we played futsal at 3 in the morning, in the new year. Every body seems to be so upbeat by coming early, given that our national team won the AFF Championship. Earlier before futsal, I worked at Baskin helping out with their 31st promotion sales since they are a little shorthanded. The girlfriend invited me since she knows some people there. Thanks bushuk ;-). Damn it feels good. I got to refresh the feelings I had when I worked for BR right after my SPM. Ah..the good ol days.

Its 2011 now. Damn times went by so fast. :'( Resolution, resolution, resolution. I have a few in mind, but lets just keep it to myself. And Im probably gonna have some good news in a couple of days, but also, let just keep it to myself for this time being. Im praying for great things to come this new year. A few transitions, a few changes are in order, which I hope for the better :-). While I remain jobless and hopeless, bushuk is going to kick start her career this Monday. She landed herself a job at Deloitte working in theTax Dept. Wishing her all the luck in the world.
It had been quite a spectacular year for me. I wished I covered them all in my blogs, but sadly with my laziness etc, my wished wont be granted. So many things happened, but at least, today I can held my head up high with the way I finished. Granted, I had a colourful and great start, but it wont mean anything if I were to finish badly. I am satisfied with the way I ended this year. After all how you finish is all that matters. How you start isnt. For example, nobody will remember that Indonesia beat Malaysia in the opening match of AFF Suzuki Cup, but everybody will remember that Malaysia beat Indonesia in the final. Wah pandai betul merepek beranalogi. Bye

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