Friday, April 19, 2013

Out of the comfort zone

Been a tough week. I had two mid terms and another two coming up next week. To top that I haven't started doing any five of my assignments yet. Great job. And yet aku nak jugak main futsal even though I vowed to take a break after liga ipt finished. Tomorrow Im going to kampus kejuruteraan for Sukad. Once again, playing futsal for Indah Kembara. Speaking of Kejut, man, it brings back so much memory. Dulu kat transkrian takdak masjid, kami nanti pi smbhyang jumaat kat usm sana. 

Im also thinking of visiting the school in between games. Been like what, 9 years? mesti banyak dah berubah.   Lots of bittersweet memories there and no matter how I don't like to admit it, that short two years stint molded a big part of who I am today. 


I've been wondering jugak how is everyone doing? Kadang-kadang tu terjumpa jugak afzel kat masjid negeri. Sekali-sekala main futsal nanti terjumpa plak kucai, a junior and nazir, my batchmate whom went back to his old school after a few months. Ouh, met amin once jugak. But all this encounter only goes as far as a handshake, a hug or some empty conversation. Maybe my guard is up and I was being too careful that I put up a huge wall between us. 

The only connection from the transkrian-era I have; of course unintentionally, is fazlisha. Funny story, that one. My long lost penang free friend who's now a contractor has been doing a few jobs for pfs, so he deals a  lot with mama. He asked for my phone number and mama gave it to him. And ever since that, he kept calling  me asking me to play futsal with some other old frees of which I decline countlessly. Macam-macam alasan aku bagi. Hati aku macam 'Ish pasepa la mak aku pi bagi no aku kat denih'. 

Tapi bila dah 20 kali ajak, hati pun jadi lembut. Lagi pun futsal kot. Benda paling best dalam dunia selepas nasik kandaq. And for how long I want to keep avoiding my pfs friends? But of course the cognitive process was much more complex than that. Enough if I say that making the decisions to come out of the closet and to step out of my comfort zone was not a walk in the park. I was bracing myself and putting up a wall just in case for any surprise.

And it couldn't get any more surprising when I saw shah there. Turns out that he happens to be playing with them regularly. Such a sticky situation that I can't easily get out off. But at least Im glad that it was him that I met. We were pretty chummy back in high school, so it's easier to open up to him. So ever since then, we've been playing together. Siap kalau team aku tak cukup orang, aku nanti call dia dtg. He hasn't change much, still has some of his quirks. And he nags a lot whenever I couldnt come join him play.

Okay, logging out now. Pulling an early night cap. Long drive tomorrow. Wish us luck. 

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