Friday, August 23, 2013

The Cycle

Im back in Penang. I left UIA with mixed feelings; happy because I finally get to come home, regrets because we couldn't get any win, and sad because I might not see some of my good friends as they already completed their study. Have you ever get that dreading feeling where you want things to end, but not to end? When we finished all our matches, I really feel like going home. Because there's nothing left for me to stay apart of suffering the pain of watching some other futsal team win it. But we had to stay for an extra few days because our friends from other sports teams are still competing.

I even considered buying my own bus ticket to go home earlier than the rest of the contingent  but I realized it only means that I'll never get to see some of my graduating friends again. So I decided to stay and make the last few days we are together count. And kalau pikir2 balik, aku lagi banyak berjalan dari main futsal. Having friends around Gombak made that trip easier. I also have my friends from Cyberjaya visited me. We went places and we did a lot of things. Cuma kadang-kadang tu I felt bad because tak dapat bawak semua orang, especially when we completed all our matches. Kalau boleh, nak ajak semua orang dalam team futsal join, tapi sebab masalah transport kadang-kadang tu terpaksa juga leave out some of them.

But all our juniors are good lads. They understand that we had to prioritise the senior members of the team and they respected the fact that the seniors's had already developed a friendship together, long before they entered USM. I don't really like to coined out the senior-junior thingy because it is as if I am implying that our team is berpuak-puak sedangkan it is not. No matter what year we are studying, we took care of each other. There's solidarity and unity, no question about that. Anybody can come to anybody's room and hang out with each other. 

It's just that the five senior team members went through so much together. We started playing together way back in 2011 in Medan, when we were still considered a junior. Bukan setakat main intervarsity ja, even tournament dalam USM pun kami main sekali. And the fact that three of them won't be playing with us anymore is a bitter pill to swallow. But like the old saying goes, 'all good thing must come to an end'. I never thought that a group of people whose membership of the group relies on competitiveness could be so close. They're family. They're irreplaceable. But as time goes by, they leave, and new family members comes in. And over time they become irreplaceable too. And the cycle goes on.

Happy graduation brothers. 

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