Wednesday, November 24, 2010


ok kena tagged dengan syuness, asking 25 things about yourself. From the top of my head, these are one of the things that are either too obvious, or too embarrassing to be told.

1. I am plain lazy. If there are shortcuts in everything I do, I'd definitely take it. Macam tutup tv pakai kaki, because I was too lazy too get up and switch it of with my hand. If they arent any shortcuts, I would simplify things up. But not to the extend of breaking the rules and syara' la.

2. Currently depends heavily on cigarettes and red bulls daily. Kalau takda dua benda ni rasa cam tak kena ja. Hopefully I can get rid of them by the end of this year. InsyaAllah. Selalu kena maki/perli/kutuk/tegur/nasihat pasal this two things.

3. I love football and futsal. I love playing, watching, talking, sleeping, drinking. Need I say more?

4. I am a red belt holder in Taekwondo ITF. Sayang ja dulu pi berhenti, sbb pindah rumah dari Bayan Baru to Free School. So tak complete la. Lagi sket ja nak dapat hitam. sobs. But whenever I got into a fight, bukan pakai pun what I learnt. My 'sure win' policy is rugby tackle-disable-punch punch and punch. haha

5. In completing task/assignment/jobs, my priority policy is (paling penting to kurang penting)
I. Buat yang paling senang dulu
II. Buat yang paling important dulu
III. Buat ikut first come first serve.
Well, usually thats how I get things done la. How about you?

6. I've appeared as an extra in one episode of 3R. I cant remember which season, but episode tu Tini and Vic Malaysian Idol 1 berlakon. In the episode Vic bullied and teased Tini for being overweight. Sampai skarang dok cari episode ni kalau2 jumpa balik. Anyone kalau jumpa gitau k

7. I dont have a bestfriend. I dont like ranking my friends whom I like best and whom I like the least. To me everyone is equal. Eventhough the treatment between one another varies, but its just more or less the same. Dengan A mungkin selalu aku spend time, tapi dgn B yang banyak share secrets skali. Yang sini lebih kot sini, yang sana lak lebih kot sana. ish paham ka tak nih grr

8. I'm a movies/series addict. Suma layan. From sitcom, to reality show, to chick flick, to sci fi and to action. I have a one dedicated hard disk just to store them. Currently watching Greek season three and dexter latest season.

9. I only switch off my PC once a week. This is to cater to my movies/series addiction above. Downloading them to my PC. So, I may appear online all the time, but doesnt necessarily mean that Im in front of the computer. Sorry to those yang salu PM tapi tak terbalas. It's either Im away from the PC, or I simply dont like you. Tehee

10. I'd like to think that things that come out from my head is pure gold. So I would observe, analyze and think carefully before I say something. It doesnt have to be academic, or something smart, it could be something stupid as well. Saying stupid funny things could get you into raja lawak.

11. I'd like to think that Im an all rounder as well. I have a very wide variety of interest. Kira serba serbi la. But I would prefer it if I could just be really really good at one thing and sucks at others daripada serba-serbi know/do things but average. Like how I wish that Im a genious at playing the guitar but taktau papa lngsung psal benda lain.

13. I cant stand who dont live up to their words. They said action speaks louder than words. If you cant live up to what you say, it is better to be silent. However, I have a great admiration to people who boast about themselve, but live up to every word yang diorang bangga kan. To me, it's a character of a natural winner.

14. I dont like crowded places. Kalau boleh elak. Memang elak. I hate long ques too.

15. Aku suka tanya soalan yang pelik2 kat kawan aku; suka jamban duduk ke jamban canggung? coffee or tea? power to get money or money to get power? they called it 'soalan berbentuk azmil' courtesy of Mr Faruk Hassan. I dont know, i like asking people odd question, bukan nak tau answer sngt, but nak tau cara diorang fikir. :)

16. I wanted to at least once stepped in some of the famous stadium in Europe. Kalau boleh nak melawat Santiago Bernebeu, Allianz Arena, Old Trafford and San Siro. Hopefullt it comes true. InsyaAllah,

17. Im proud to be a Penangites. Like seriously proud. Im proud of our food, our tradition and our lifestyle. Ok ok I was born in Terengganu, but I was raised in Penang my entire life. Boo Terengganu. Ok, aku kena private blog ni bila aku apply scholarship Yayasan Terengganu nanti.

18. My appearance and my looks deceived people. I get that a lot. When told about my results and achievement, people would go on saying "biar betul azmil tu tak nampak macam pndai pun". Or when they heard anything about me, "biar betul, tak tau lak azmil tu suka pompuan. aku ingat dia suka laki".

19. I have a 'dont know dont care' attitude. I dont really care about what people says to/about me. I just do my own things. I guess thats how I get by. Because the more I concentrate on myself rather than people, the higher chances that I'd do better and the more upset people will get. tehee.

20. My trustworthy California Series Stratocaster guitar is my bestfriend whenever I have the blues in me. With a little bit of tweak, she's a monster. Whenever Im having a hard day, her sounds soothed me and calms me down.

21. I dont think that Im a good listener, but people would come to me and seek advise on relationships, lives, futures etc. Sometimes I felt like Im carrying this heavy responsibility on my back. Aku takut that my advise would backfire or goes wrong. Happened quite a couple of times, but so far takde lagi la org yang hate me for following my advise. I think...

22. I dont lie much, but i likes to manipulate things up to my advantage. It isnt lying, sometimes I just sugar coat my communication and carefully filter information so that it works both way. And of course I do it for the greater good, like how I manipulate things up so that two friends who's fighting can kiss and make up. Puan Idayu penah cakap kat kelas in front of everybody to not trust me as Im a one big fat manipulator.

23. I dont really like text messaging people. To me its a hassle. I would rather talk on the phone rather than texting. I only replied to msgs that I think are important.

25. People like to think that Im clever, but in truth Im not. Im just an average Joe who work hard and lucky. I do it the hard way. Im not the type of guy who can easily absorbs things like a sponge. I need to read a lot of times before I can fully have a grasp on something.

Yay done. I skipped no 24 and 12 just to prove no 1 ;-) lets see who i want to tag. ok nobody. Im lame. nobody reads my blog. laters alligators


  1. I agree with point 23!u memang..u appeared in 3R episodes? how come idk? haha im a big fan of 3R kot..hehe penang tak best,like usual..sp is the best hehe

    hope u can get rid of it..refer to point number 2..and for point no 1,silalah contohi i yang rajin nih..hahaha :-P

  2. haha ;-) handphone is hazardous. radioactive tuu. tehee. u dont know? haha i thought u knew. it's a good thing u tagged me ;-)

    as for number 1 and 2, working on it. InsyaAllah.

  3. i know,but talking on phone will greatly expose u to the radioactive compare when u text messaging..hihi ;-)

    good luck then :D

  4. haha same old syu.. arguer of the century :-P
    ok u win >.< grrr hahaha
