Monday, November 15, 2010

Affify Shuhada Abdul Razak

This is a dedication post. And this post is about a dear friend of mine, Affify Shuhada@Fify@ Ify. Affify and I made a pact that we must write about each other on our blogs. We can write about anything; special occasions, good or bad memories, puji, kutuk etc. hehe. You know how much I would jump for an opportunity to say bad things kat orang kan? haha just kidding. Before I start, Fify, if my post is not up to your standards, Im very sorry. Im not very much as a creative fella as you, but my words and thoughts are honest and true. Thats what counts kan? :)

Aku kenal Fify masa sem 2. Like Yahaya, she came to ICT Penang after studying her first semester in ICT Klang. So all in all, I have known Fify for almost 2 and a half years now. To be honest, I dont really like Fify at first. Sebab my first impression at her is dia ni pulun sangat. And I cant stand orang yang pulun terlebih. Fify would sit up front in the class with angah, asking a lot of questions dekat lecturers. A looottt I would say. Sometimes benda yang kita tak perlu tanya pun dia nak tanya gak kat lecturer tu. Attention seeker punya fify :P. haha. Oddly, I also have a feeling that she didnt like me either.

But little by little, we managed to get along. I forgot how we become close. I think it came naturally. Little by little. Aku salu usik and hentam dia because of her 'pulun'ness. But Fify is not the type of person who sits quietly and accept all the banters thrown at her. She fights back. Bila aku kata kat dia, nanti dia kata balik kat aku. Thats how day by day, we became closer and closer. I remembered during PR class aku usik dia bila dia tanya soalan 'remeh' kt Puan Idayu. Haha dia tarik muka, and trus fire aku pasal perangai aku and bukak cita psal skandal aku kat Puan Idayu. Koasam tui.

And then during the third sem, we (december intakes) have a problem dengan subject registration. They only gave us 4 subjects, since the March intake students hasnt take as much subjects as us. This would give us a disadvantage becos we hafta to take 6 subjects during sem 4 and 5. So the 8 of us pergi appeal kat admin tuk register another two subjects. The two subjects that we added was Agama (join dengan dak sem 4) and Public Relation (join dengan dak sem 5). Kira kami banyak menumpang kelas orang la. Since we dont know everybody else, we sticked to each other a lot. All the nine of us; consisting of me, Hafiz, Yahaya, Fify, Angah, Sabrina, Suzy, Salwa and Dayah always take care of each other.

Sebab tu la Ify boleh rapat dgn kami. Kalau bukan sebab add subject tu, jgn harapla dia nak rapat dengan kami. Haha. Ify ni sangat2 hardworking. Rajin terlebih. Salu mintak extra tutorial/excercise. Salu bila dia mintak latihan extra kat lecturer we the guys akan usaha sedaya upaya to change the topics. Kadang2 kami divert the lecturer's attention to ignore ify, kadang2 kami divert ify's attention so she would forget to ask the lecturer for extra excercises. Ify is also well known with her "sapa tanya?" jokes. Kita punya penat cita kat dia, dia nnt boleh buat lawak juah camni.

Ali: Ify tau dak, budak yang pakai baju merah blablablablablaalbalbla.........blalblablabla...
Ify: Sapa?
Ali: Ala budak yang baju me..
Ify: Sapa tanya? (potong cakap and buat muka selamba)

Juah gila. Memang nanti selalu kena. Haha. One thing about Fify, she was always there for me whenever Im in need. She helped in my studies, she even helped me organize myself. Selalu remind pasal meeting. Salu bagi pinjam notes and tolong photostat. I can never repay what she had done to me. We also did our MPP election campaign together, where we hung our posters together side by side. Alhamdulillah we won the election; dia dapat first and aku dapat second place, daripada 10 candidates camtu. And paling takleh lupa malam dinner. Aku tak sep tempat kat dia sedangkan kami budak2 satu kelas dah janji nak duduk setable.

Actually bukan aku lupa, but aku silap budget. Tau-tau ja table kami dah penuh. Kesian dia lepas penat jaga registration counter kat depan, only to find out kami tak sep tempat kat dia. haih. Sorry ify, I hope you can forgive me. I mentioned in my earlier post that I never consider anyone a rival in studies as I only like to concentrate on myself. But if there was a worthy rival, Fify is one of them. Salu fight dengan dia in studies. I usually beat her in exam, but usually she beats me in presentation and assignments. Haih. Besala laki, kerja nak mudah, and nak last minute. Mana nak dapat markah elok. Last sem she nearly equalled my result, tapi sayang satu subject dapat A-. Nevermind fy, mana tau sem ni Ify dapat beat Azmil. :)

Lagi satu, ify tak pernah berkira kederat. Time MPP dulu Ify salu tolong kalau ada apa-apa event. Walaupun even tu bukan dia punya, she always give her best contributing. Paling takleh lupa time event futsal tournament yang aku handle dengan afiq. Dia jadi ballpicker kot. tengah2 panas pi kutip bola, lari kehulu kehilir, dari pagi sampai petang. Memang sangat2 thankful kat dia. Pastu aku janji dgn dia nak tolong time event dia, Ratu Busana Muslimah. But unfortunately, aku takleh tolong dia prepare (dewan, hadiah, logistik etc) sebab time tu aku busy gila. Marah jugakla dia kat aku. Tapi aku malam RBM tu, memang aku tolong kaw2 and in the end, dia pun tak marah dah. Siap bagi lagi extra medal RBM kat aku. *terharu*

Lagi satu ify ni kira cam budak baikk la konon. diulangi perkataan konon tu. hehe. Fify ni cam naive sket. And kamilah yang dok mengajaq dia benda2 tak elok. hehehe. Ajak dia pi main bowling, ajak dia lepak mcd, ajak dia pi picnic. mcm2 lagi. Actually bukan benda jahat pun, but maybe ify tak biasa. Everytime after we did something that is totally new to her, she will always thank us sebab bawak/ajak/ajar dia. According to Ify, her dad is very strict. So kami salu ugut dia nak pi umah dia gitau bapak dia yang dia dok join kami buat 'benda jahat' tu. Anyway Ify, I wish you all the best in your future undertakings. I really hope that we can meet again one day, catching up and reminisce all the good time we had together

Thank you for everything and i meant that from the bottom of my heart. If I managed to maintain my results, I will definitely dedicate my achievement to you. Because you played an important role in my life sepanjang kita kenal. Tanpa ify dan kawan2 yang lain, Im nothing. :) And be strong out there, girl. I cant always watch over you like before. Life is gonna hit u real hard, much harder than college life. So the next time when you call me, I dont want to hear you crying like last time, ok? When you call you better be cheerful and full with laughter. All the best for your future undertakings, and do tell me if any guy is messing with you.Im gonna kick their asses for messing with my lil sister. Thats all. Bye~!