Friday, November 19, 2010

When you look back

Tiap-tiap abes semester lepas abes last exam, Hafiz Yahaya and aku akan salu pi lepak dekat menara kat bukit balik pulau tu. We would go buy some titbits, some soft drinks and also a big fat cigar to bring along. There, while lepaking, we would recap and look back at what we have done during the semester. And we ended up thanking each other for always being there for each other. It is kind of important to us to always do this to remember where we come from, how we began and how we get this far.

Usually I can easily summed up and describe one semester; be it a challenging one, a sad one, a happy one, etc. But this semester, Im having difficulty on deciding which one is it. Too many things happened all in all, Im having a mixed feelings. Banyak benda jadi this semester; orientation, mama was hospitalized, Amar was possesed, events involvement, Raya, the separation, the 6 months fight, assignment completion etc. Thats when I realized that all this while I;ve been living my life in static. Tak ada turun naik. Mendatar ja. That's why I can easily summed up a semester before.

But this time it's different. The graph goes up and down through out the semester. Which I guess is a good thing, signifying that I've lived my life to the fullest. I took uncalculated risk, I do new things, I meet more people, and with mixed fortune I was able to experience a lot of things this semester. Yeah, things dont usually go my way or at least the way i wanted, but it was worth it to embark new things and trying to discover my full potential. So here's a toast: to graduation. to our hard work. To new things. To farewell.

I would like to thank everybody who plays an important part during my life in college. Friends, foes, lecturers and not to forget the supporting staff. Without their help, Im nothing. To bid farewell to these people really makes my heart ache. I will miss ICT, I will miss arguing and throwing a banter at my friends, I will miss doing last minute assignment, I will miss that occasionally coffee chat with Sir Zabidi, I will miss everything. If I were to go back in time, there's nothing that I would do differently. Which mean erm, I've lived my college life to the fullest after all. :) Anyway, Im going off to college now. Mr Wan conducted some short courses for us and shortly after that, we would have a farewell party. Laters

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