Monday, November 8, 2010

The Rejects

Like the entertainment industry, football is a cruel world. Footballers work their socks off in order to be on top of their game. Because if they dont, they're out. Simple as that. There are always someone younger and stronger, breathing down your neck trying to take your place in the team. A single game could determine your destiny in football, whether you belong to the first eleven, the bench or the bleachers. Like an entertainer, being a footballer requires perserverance and a mountain of motivations because if you're down, you need to pick yourself up right away.

I myself experienced the same kind of thing. A few years back, in uni, I was just an average bench warmer for an average team. I've been fighting for a place in the team, but my effort was to no avail. Until one day, I managed to play in the first eleven, tu pun sebab my teammate got injured. Nak jadi rezeki, after that match I was offered a place to play for the strongest team in the uni. I've won a lot of honours with the team, at the same time playing an important part in our triumph. Thats when I realized that whatever happens, happened for a reason. Ada hikmah untuk setiap kejadian.

Footballers must also be prepared to get rejections from coach and fans. All you can do at that time is do your best, work harder and pray that things go your way. Malaysia menang dengan Kyrgyzstan 2-1 sat-sat tadi. Chanturu scored one of the goals for Malaysia. Chanturu was a Penang President Cup Players, rejected by Penang but eventually play for Kelantan senior team. And yes, he recently lifted the Malaysia Cup beating non others, Negri Sembilan. Kadang-kadang rezeki kita bukan kat sini, tapi kat tempat lain. Coach kat sini taknak kat kita, tapi coach kat sana mungkin nak.

The same goes to life. Orang kat sini takmau kat kita, tapi orang kat sana mungkin mau. ;-) Rezeki Allah yang tentukan.I dont get it, why Penang tak hold on to great players like Chanturu. Lani bila dah turun pi Liga Perdana, nak nyesal pun tak guna. Like Chanturu, I will prove to those who looked passed me, that they'll never find nobody else like me. And at least ponder "what could have been if azmil is around?" hahaha kalau depa tak regret pun, just a passing thoughts pun jadi laa (>.<)


  1. yah.
    evrything happened for a reason.
    just do ur best and Allah will help you :)

    *lama tak bersepah kat blog ni :D

  2. ada ja, baca tapi tak komen.
    entri semua speaking power2.
    nak pikiaq satu ayat utk komen pun kerut2 dahi. :P

  3. haha >.< power la sangat..
    slamat hari raya aidiladha yek
