Thursday, October 17, 2013

Getting Busier or Getting Lazier?

Workload sem ni agak berat. This semester I'm carrying 6 subjects, an equivalent of 18 units. It feels good actually to have an 18 units instead of a full 21 like two previous semesters. At least I'll have a room for a breather, I figured. But I figured wrong.  To my dismay the workloads feels pretty much the same as the two previous semesters. Probably because there's like a bunch of very methodological subjects that I am taking. You know, the kind of subjects that requires you to do a lot of things. Weekly reports, term paper, simulation game, individual presentations and whatnot.

And the lecturers isn't being any helpful at all. They are methodological themselves, demanding us to do this and that for small amount of marks. Like this lecturer of mine asked us to watch five movies and do reports about it for only what, five marks? It takes lots of time and effort to do it. It's my last semester, why can't I have simple mark distributions? Why can't the marks simply come from mid term, assignment and final exam? Pasepa nak kena tambah itu ini; 15 marks kat simulation game, 10 marks kat presentation, 5 marks kat attendance, 10 marks kat weekly reports?   

I also usually have my 'lubuk' subjects every semester. As in, subjects that I presumed as an 'easy A', or at least function as a safety net should I screw up in my major papers. It works perfectly in the past. All the tough papers I took, were 'hedged' by these type of papers. These subjects usually are minor, english and Ko-K subjects. But since I already finished my minor, there's only english and ko-k left. The ko-k class was awesome, but I doubt it can hedged much, since it was only 1 unit. So tinggal English ja. And I think I made a risky hedge as I am taking phonetics this sem.'s like learning a new language I tell you. It's completely different from the English I used to do, and I doubt I can do well in this paper.

Tapi bila fikir-fikir balik, eventhough I have a very hateful sentiment towards them, subjek2 methodological ni la yang selalu tolong aku. Usually I did well in subjects like these. Subjects that tore your ass down week in week out. Subjects like brm, imp and security & portfolio. All the small weekly thingy that I had to do probably forced me to study early. Plus having a methodological lecturer have its own benefits. They will point you at the right directions, what he/she wants. I just gotta pull through and finish strong. Only three months to go and Im off to industrial training. And speaking of industrial training, haven't made up my mind yet on where am I going. One thing at a time. 

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