Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hey blog. Been quite a while since my last visit. Been a wee bit busy. Today I sat for my third paper, finance. *sigh* Still have 2 more papers to go; a long way to go. My last paper is on 6th. Man, there are others who had already started their holiday. So unfair. :( Yesterday as I was burning the midnight oil studying, one of them who finished their papers ajak tengok footy. #$%^&*$ I cannot resist the temptation, but I'd barely managed to say no. haha

Kind of suffering from a burn out right now. I stayed up last night. After my finance paper, my coach called asking me to play a match in the evening. It's a friendly match je pun. Lawan budak sekolah mana tah. But he knew I wouldnt say no when it comes to football. haha. So dgn tak tidurnya, I went to Padang Polo, pwning them high school boys. rofllmao

I was supposed to join the boys and girls at blue bayu, dining and celebrating Ernie's birthday. So after magrib, punya try dok senkang mata but at last my eyes gave in. Tertidoq sampai kul 11 tadi. Aku tidoq mati. Sorry guys, especially to Afiq and Nabil who insistently called me like what, 50 times? no kidding. Maybe next time.

I heard the orientation committee interview finished today. Among others, I heard that many changes is on the way, being that we have a new HEP. lol. I even heard that he asked one of the fellas attending interview to recite doa qunut. Haha nicely done. Nasib baik dia tanya doa qunut subuh, kalau dia tanya qunut nazilah ka qunut witir ka, garu kepala jugak la.

And ohh, nina bought me a hard rock cafe shirt on her trip to Hong Kong. uber cool! Thanx nina, you rock. I was only kidding but she bought it anyway. *sigh wish i could post the pic but with my superb high tech nokia 2100, I cant :(. haha. Anyway happy birthday Nina and wishing you a blissful years ahead of you. That's it. Im off tehtariking with the siblings.

Ok cun

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