Saturday, April 24, 2010

Between the lines

I dont have many friend. But I have enough. And most importantly, I know in a heartbeat that these few friends of mine will always be there for me through thick or skin. No matter how far or how less we talk each day. Our friendship grew through time, and it didnt require us to bond in order for it to become stronger.

I dont believe in berkawan biar seribu. I choose who gets to be my friends and who doesnt. I think it is important because by becoming friends, we entered a covenant agreeing to commit and support each other. And I dont want to mess it up by just 'signing' up to the covenant. I do not want to commit to things that aren't any of my interest and on unnecessary things. Pretty much waste of time, I'd say.

There are lines and boundaries in friendship that you cannot cross. One being 'do not betray them just to score some chick you hardly know'. If you want to make yourself look good, ask help from your friends. Dont go running around badmouthing your friends just to make yourself look good. Beladi pis of sheed. And also, if you are hitting on your mate's old flame, asked if he's okay with it or simply just keep you mouth shut. You dont go bragging to others, as if she's already yours.

Because, now that you didnt just lose her, you've also lose a friend. I came upon this quote saying 'Lovers have a right to betray you... friends don't'. That tells it all. Friends are there for each other through the end but lovers come and go. I do not want to justify much as I've been compromised. Only a person as damaged as me would see through this logic haha.

Ok, off to watch footy. See you blog.

Ok cun

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