Sunday, April 25, 2010



Beladi sheed.

Sometimes when you see your friends are happy with their girlfriends, it kinda gives you the urges to look for a girlfriend yourself. You try to visualize yourself being pampered,being taken care of and all those beladi shid that couples did. You thought "aaaw.. how sweet is that?" And then you started thinking "hey, I can have that too!". You remembered that you have a few candidates on your contact list from how many years back, from which you claimed that you're not ready for a relationship just yet.

So you scrolled through the contact list, finding for their contacts. You scrolled A, then B then C till you reached the number that you were looking for. You called C. Nobody answered. Nevermind, there's plenty more in the contact list. So you called the others. You called N.

"Salam. Hey how are you?... Great! Hey listen last time you said that whenever I'm ready I should give you a call. Is the offer still open?"

To your dismay, she said that she's taken. Well, cant blame her, it's been 1 and a half year! Nevermind, it's her loss, you thought. Then C texted you, asking what is up? Which you replied cleverly "the sky". And to make story short, you asked her out and she agreed. So you're back in the dating game. You figured out what to wear, what to say, where to dine, what to do etc. And you figured that woman dont like guys who smokes, so you took a fun trip to the pharmacy and bought yourself a nicotine gum which is beladi expensive. And you go online, looking for tips on a first date since you've been out of the game for so many years. And one tip being 'Woman like smart guys'.

Smart? I can be smart. It easy. You said. Then the day came. During the date, both of you talked a lot. Then you realized there might be somewhat a connection between you guys. Until she talked about her favourite fruit. And trying to be smart just like the website told you, you said

"erm technically strawberries are not fruits. Fruits require it seed to be inside the ovary blablablabla"

You thought that you are smart and charming. So you go on and on for like 20 minutes talking about botany, diazepam, string theory, and perlembagaan Malaysia. Macammana hang hubung kait satu topik ke satu topik pun hang taktau. Yang hang tau, hang nak berlagak pandai. And the rest is history. No second date for you.

FML, eh FYL haha

ok cun


  1. haha nak tergelak pulak yg last part tu..sometimes,we try to be cool without realizing that we r actually looks like a fool for that particular advice is,just be urself,because at the end of day later,she will get to know jugak the real u..dun have to pretend or to talk something that u r not interested about..haha 1st date ckp pasal perlembagaan malaysia? haha boring :-P

    u r smart enough ald,no need to " belagak pandai" mcm u ckp.. may u get ur dream girl soon..

  2. hehe thanx syu. but tbh I cant stand her. she's a drama queen with serious gedikness in her which I cant tolerate.
    She dont know jack about me, tiba2 bley tanya "Why dont you play football like you talked about it?" Sebagai seorang male chauvinist, ego saya terguris hehe. Seraya saya menjawab "Why dont you look like what you eat?"
    Ketika itu beliau tgh mkan salad. She's offended. She's not fat, but I know most girls have weight complex. Thats how I started being a jerk towards her. And what kind of skinny girl ordered salad? The deceiving kind I guess. Woops this comment is turning into another blog post. better stop now. lol.

    p.s: should have get rid of the nicotine gum ><

  3. haha not just only u,even me also cant stand girl who is hypergedik..These kind of person tend to attract or impress ppl..haha but one thing i have to admit la,every guy on earth is ego..ego n depa tak dapat dipisahkan,mcm kembaq siam.. hehe It's going to be a never-ending war between both side if a ego guy dating ego girl. Heck, I doubt they'd even date each that girl tak patutlah tanya benda mcm tu,because she dont even know urself very well yet..

    wohh! i know it's damn hard to quit smoking drastically,but it is something possible.. it for the sake sake of ur health :)

    p.s tudia,dh boleh jd new entri dh ni (-_-)

  4. thanx syu! insyaallah pelan2 kayuh :D
