Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rawr Rawr

Hello blog. My name's Azmil. Nice to meet you, blog. lmao. I decided to give you another try. Im not trying to gain money, or anything like that. The reason why I think I should blog again is to serve me as a time capsule. Maybe after a few years, when I look back, I'd have this blog to help me walk the aisle of memory lane together. Im not expecting readers apatah lgi followers but if you do visit, please dont flame me at the comment section. ><

And this time, Im hoping that I can stick with you for a long time, blog. I admit one of the things that I regret the most was deleting my friendster's blog. Sebab all post since waaaayyyy back in 2004 habes mcmtu ja. Dengan ini juga, cewah 'dengan ini' rofllmao aku mengumumkan penggantungan akaun twitter aku. Aku rasa malas nak twit sbb I cant find anything clever enough to say in 140 characters, and sbb aku bukan artis and rutin harian aku cukup membosankan dan cukup predictable. Aku suspend ja, aku tak delete terus. Aku takut nyesal cam aku delete friendster blog aku dulu. haizz..

Currently undergoing final examinations. First 3 papers aku agak merelaxkan since aku tak payah nak target A untuk dapat A. Carry marks agak chantek.lol. last 2 paper yang agak cuak, PM and OB. argh enough rambling about exams. Im off to see Inter-Barcelona. See you blog.

Ok cun


  1. salam,
    slalu singgah cneh, tpi xpnah leave cmmnt or anything..huhu..
    i enjoy reading ur blOg :)

  2. wasalam,
    omg, i've got a reader! hehe *jakun*
    thanks so much!
