Monday, September 27, 2010

High Low

Okay a quick update. Been so busy with assignment and all. All due dates are lining up between sometime this week and the next week. Ada empat semua. Half of them are completed. Another two, erm we do not even start yet! We are a bit behind schedule I might say. We really do take our own sweet time completing this semester's assignment. By our own sweet time it doesnt mean that we do it half heartedly. Pulun tu pulun la jugak. Tehee. Its just that we want to savour every moment of it as this is our last time doing assignment in ICT. Hopefully. Insyaallah. As i said before this is a quickie so lets go with the high/low of the day.

Okay, lets begin with the high. Today when I went to school I was informed that I am on the list on some kind of an apprenticeship program offered by Spansion. Spansion is a flash memory manufacturer based in the Golden State, California and they are operating its operation worldwide. Mr Faizal are the one who recommended me to learn the trades there and at the same time earn money as there are allowance given. It is so so kind of him to have faith in me sedangkan he doesnt really know me and vice versa. Sepanjang he's here, tak berkesempatan nak belajar dengan dia. The program would take around 2, 3 months tops. I havent decided on joining yet, as I am still trying to keep my options open. But I have to decide in this couple of weeks. :)

Okay, now the low. Hint: Mr Azrul. Haha i failed to get an A for his entrepreneurship mid term paper. Argh. Such a mood spoiler :( urgh. I got A on all other subjects except for his. Yeah its only 20% but I felt that I could have done better. :'( haip tak bersyukur pulak Azmil dah berderet dah a takkan nak kiasu kot? But seriously, I really want to see my answer script so badly as there are things that I answered there base from the content of a text book, which I suspected that Mr Azrul tak accept. And even if he's right pun, at least aku pun puas ati. tehee. Tension tui. Nak ngadu kat org tu org tu moody plak. Sobs. Hopes you get better. Okay Im off now. Got to hit that strategic assignment. Later.

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