Friday, September 17, 2010

Raya 2010

Lama tak update. Lets get on with business. Three things I'd like to cover actually; raya, birthday and engagement. But maybe I'll cover that in the next post, for the time being Im covering how's my eid mubarak so far. And yes, my stories might not be in a chronological order, as I'll be writing things from top of my head. Like I mentioned before in the previous post, we celebrated Eidulfitri at Opah's this year. However like the previous year, we still had our Eidulfitri prayers at Masjid Negeri. This year, it started a bit late; 9 o'clock.

And only after that we headed for Opah's house. Maklong and ayahchu was already there when we arrived. We'd only started our 'beraya & duit raya' session in the evening as Along Nadiah is still away working. We chatted and ripping each other off to kill off time. Ayahchu bawak balik his burung tiung. haha so banyak ralit dok main dgn burung tu, trying to get it to talk. Also on the same day we went to Makchaq's who is staying nearby. Opah's at Mahsuri Lima and Makchaq at Mahsuri Empat. We went home at night.

The next day onwards, we either have guest coming over or we went visiting others. All friends and relatives. I happened to visit my friends a lot too. Been going places. Bayan Baru, Kampung Jawa, Ayer Itam, Tanjung Bungah, Farlim, Sungai Petani, Jelutong, Sungai Pinang and Bukit Jambul, to name a few. I also get to celebrate with friends from school too. Urgh how time goes by. Besides the traditional way of celebrating raya, we had our usual lepakraya, haha bunyi mcm deeparaya (>.<). Lepakraya is where we pack kuih raya and beverage, and go lepak somewhere preferably an open space. Macam pot luck laa..

Along Nadiah also got engaged on the third day of raya. Alhamdulillah everything went well. I'll cover that in the next (or the next next post). I think thats about it for raya 2010. Rasa beyban lak nak pi open house rumah naqi satgi. He's not here looking after his mother kat sp. She just got admitted yesterday, sugar and bp is through the roof. Hopefully she's okay. So people take good care of yourself okay. Try not to over-indulge eating here and there raya raya ni. Ok before I go just a few pics :)

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