Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another ranting post

This is another ranting post. It seems like I complain a lot lately, but I complain of people's complaining. Ish boleh ka camtu? tehee. But please note that Im not directing this to anybody, only just to serve me as a reminder. So if you're easily butthurt dont go on reading this. Ambik vaseline, sapu and janganlah engkau online selama beberapa tahun. Whining is not going to get you anywhere. If you have the time to whine and complain about something, then you have the time to do something about it.

I dont get it why should we be pissed at our friends who got better jobs than us? Why should we be jealous at friends who earn more money than us? Yes we do have the rights to envy them, but that's that. Nothing more. Yes I know, you used to kick ass in college. You pwn every exams, while your friends struggled to even keep up with you. You're superior than your friends in co-curriculum too. You hold high positions in the societies and your friends are just mere subordinates.

But if you expect that you'd be still kicking ass once you're out to face the world, you're dead wrong brother. Do not expect to have better jobs and better life than those people you used to pwn. Masing-masing ada rezeki sendiri. So dont poke your nose in the Almighty business. And it doesnt matter if they have a big fat cables who hooked them up with the job. They know people, they have relatives, but it still dont change the fact that masing-masing ada rezeki masing-masing. What you want to talk about justice, unfairness? Ok lets talk about it.

When USM rescinded their two-years-transfer-credits programs from ICT, do you see me complain? When the government push the IPT's academic calendar intake to September starting this year, do you see me complaining? Padahal you'd knew that out of all people, I am desperate and cant afford to waste any more time. I believe that everything happened for a reason. No matter how careful and how perfect your plan is, there is always that higher power who gets to decide things for us. So just be happy with your friends, pray for their success and they'd do the same. Even if they dont, Allah Maha adil.

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