Friday, January 21, 2011

A little help

lets start with the analogy,
patutkah saya selamba sahaja naik bas sekarang atau tunggu bas yang seterusnya? Bas sekarang memang mencabar perjalanannya, tetapi bas yang selepas ini tidak tahu pula bila akan tiba, itupun kalau memang tiba. Walaupun kalau hendak dilihatkan mungkin sekarang bas tidak akan tiba langsung pun, sebab bas mungkin telah berubah haluan.

ah yes, i was refering to my academic path. ICT did a whole lot of good providing me a channel to continue my degree right away after my diploma. Besides a few drawbacks; such as we have to catch up a lot of chapters and lessons, i think it's still quite a good deal. Walaupun ada subjek yang mid term examnya minggu depan, but I think I'll manage.

But the thing is, I dont really felt like studying management anymore. I wanted to specialize and narrow down my path by taking any professional courses, such as accounting, science actuarist. etc. But you know how fierce the competition for this courses are right? I might not get a place at all and I wont settle with my fourth choice management course, because lebih baik i buat kat ICT kalau dpt management kt ipt lain.

But if I still continue my degree in ICT i can still realized my dreams of becoming professional too; by being an academician which is also a career that I think suits me the most; provided that I further a second degree and a phd. Plus having spent three years in ICT really got to me. The lecturers, the environment, the time saved (in deed 6 months to me is already considered a lot given my aging age) the monthly luxury given by MARA, etc makes studying in ICT a good choice too.

I have weighted down everything. the pros and cons,the time taken to finish studies, financial assistance. Everything. But Im still stuck here. I boleh ja study for one semester kat ICT and move out if I got an offer elsewhere, but its going to cost the family much. One semester fees is like 5k, 6k camtu. And if i apply mara during my first sem kat ict, im worried that it will hinder me from getting any scholarships elsewhere, should Im eligible and qualified.

It's like the Malay proverb. I taknak yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendong berciciran. hehehe.

It's going to be a crucial week for me. I really need to make up my mind asap because right now I havent commited much in my studies. Buku pun tak beli lagi, mara pun tak apply lagi, study pun tak catch up betul2 lagi. If I were to leave, I better do it by this week, because if I leave later than that, I kena bayar fees dah. :-/

So what do you think?

a) which bus should I take?
b) what courses do you think suits me well?
c) what path of careers suits me well?

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