Monday, January 28, 2013

Maharaja Penang

I am a proud penangite. I love everything about it. The food, culture, people, history and many more. There's no place that could ever compares with my Penang. Makan pi la apa pun, tapi last2 nanti cari nasi kandaq jugak. Nasi kandaq ganja special recipe, mana tak sedap. Unlike college, I met lots of friends from all other states in Uni. So whenever I had the chance, I would promote everything there is about Penang. And it's good, for a change, to hear outsider's opinion about Penang, the host-state where they study. 

I'm proud if I stumbled across status-status fb/twitter orang luar yang tulis 'woah, nasik kandaq sedap', 'pesta penang best', or 'jalan-jalan tgk heritage penang'. Of which Im sure that they will have a good time, or at least learnt something from their penang-experience. Tapi..kadang-kadang tu ada jugak jumpa status or updates yang tak best. Macam 'penang ni panas gila'. Or some spoilt brat tulis 'uols takdak ice skating rink ka?, tmpat iols ada 8 skating rink'. -_-" Salam middle finger utk ang, sbb klu ang check betul2, kat kompleks bukit jambul dulu ada ja ice skating, cuma skarang dah takdak. Because ice skating is not the 'in thing' nowadays.

Ok aku melawak ja. Kami orang penang penuh dengan sopan santun. Kami tak buat salam middle finger atau warning orang ala-ala meme ni. Paling kuat pun kami haria sampai relai jaa. Haha. Okay joking aside, lets make it clear that I'm not an ethnocentric. I never feel in any way, that our culture is superior than any other cultures. It's just that I want all my friends to have a good time during their three/four years stint staying in Penang. Maybe Im a people pleaser, so kalau orang kata biskut tambun atau jeruk kedai ni tak sedap, aku nanti usaha juga cari biskut tambun or jeruk yang sedap hoping that he/she will change his mind.

My friends who knew my people pleasing nature would always ripped me off complaining about Penang, because they know it ticks me off and annoys me. Sometimes they would join forces just to see that smirk on my face. They enjoyed to see me defending penang's honour eventhough I ran out of points to argue. That bad huh? okay fineee. but fyi, no, kalau kawin dengan mamak penang, depa tak mangga grill and kurung bini depa. Anak mami lani boleh ja kluaq jalan-jalan pi ropewalk or pi chowrasta. And bila kami cakap kuah gulai, it refers to kuah kari, not just any kind of kuah. Okay I ran out points. Next time pulak.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday Couple

Monday blues la konon. Penang cuti Thaipusam. Nah, bersempena mundane monday.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jam Tangan Licorne

I don't wear a wrist watch, but I really do love 'em. I can't really remember when was the last time I ever wore one. Perhaps maybe three or four years ago. Back in the days, I used to have a Tissot which I bought around 800 bucks. It was a bargain, I bought it during a sales. Six months after, I knocked it on a goal post when playing futsal and it stopped working. Brought it back to the shop and the dealer said that the damage wasn't covered in the warranty, therefore I had to pay for it to be fixed. And to get it fixed, I had to fork out around 700 bucks. That's almost like buying a new one! Bloody hell. 

Then only I understand the maxim 'Lot of people can afford to buy a Mercedes, but not a lot of people can afford  the maintenance'. If you're looking to buy something pricey, make sure you're in capacity to maintain them. I learnt my lesson. Nasib baik jam ja, bukan kereta. In the end, I decided to not get it fixed, and let it collects dust in my drawer. And ever since then, I never wear a watch. Yea I could buy a cheap rip off watch from the pasar malam, just for the sake of time keeping, but I would never feel the same. Once you had the taste of a good, quality watch, you would never go back.

It's not the luxury, nor the brand and price. But the feeling it provides me whenever I wore it. Whenever you found something that really fit your style and made you feel so comfortable, it is unlikely you'll look for others. Take my Predator futsal shoes for example. It was the only shoe that suit my playing style; wrapped nicely to my foot's shape and size and provide so much 'umph' in my futsal-experince. After the shoe all worn out, there's no other shoe that could replace it. Even shoes that were more expensive could not 'complete' me like the Predator did. lulz macam awek pulak

That is why I didn't wear a watch all these years. I keep telling myself that my next watch is going to be something fancy. I will wait up, get myself enough dough and find the perfect watch that I really want. Ok ni macam bini pulak. A watch that can last a lifetime so that I could inherit them to my kids. You get the idea. In the mean time, I'm just browsing and learning about all there is about watches. My dream watch would be a Panerai, perhaps a Patek if I married a rich woman could stretch my budget. But lately, I have grown to like mechanical watch.

I don't know what about it that attracts me. Probably the craftsmanship, the movement, the escape mechanism and that  it never use a battery that you have to wind them up yourself. It gives you that kind of old school feeling, unlike the standard quarts and digital watch available in the market now. Of course, these kind of watches are expensive. But I just found out about the Chinese Standard Movement watches, and to my surprise, their watches are top class. The time keeping is reliable, probably you don't even have to adjust the timing your whole life at all. And most importantly, it is cheap. Maybe I should splurge out the cash now to buy this little watch-gasm?

Monday, January 21, 2013


Four posts in four days. Wah, on a roll ahh this fella. hehe. jangan warm warm chicken poop dah la. lama-lama nanti update sebulan sekali ja. lulz. Isu 'listen' baru-baru ni buat aku teringin nak tulis pasal pembodohan mahasiswa. Regarding mentality and attitude of our mahasiswa which frustrates me times and times again. Yes, I believe people are different and they are entitled to their own opinion. Having said that, kalau seseorang tu ada opinion yang tak mainstream, tak semestinya dia salah.

I took a finance major and psychology as my minor. Hampir setiap minggu aku disuap dengan pelbagai teori dan model kewangan yang penuh dengan unsur riba, yang menindas masyarakat dan cukup zalim. Dekat kelas psychology, aku disuap pulak dengan pelbagai teori-teori psikologi yang sangat bizzare mcm Darwin evolution theory yg ckp mankind comes from monkey,oedipus complex yg ckp you are sexually attracted to your mother and wants to kill your dad, and other weird stuff.

You see, no matter how much truth is reflected in this lesson, or no matter how much these things are accepted worldwide we ought to think for ourself and never let our opinion be of those from the textbook we read. Jangan nak jadi pedantic sangat by simply accepting and believing whatever that we've been told. Orang cakap A, kita pun cakap A, sebab apa, ouhh sebab ada dalam textbook, sebab ada dalam newspaper. Sebab satu dunia pakai sistem tu. So kita ikut ja lah.

Kalau orang cakap kat kita 'free education for all in malaysia is not possible' kita pun tepuk tangan dan setuju. Orang yang terlebih pandai pun mula lah nak quote some stuff he read in Google Scholar without for even a second challenging or criticizing the idea. Yes, whatever they told us might contain the truth, or half the truth like those financial models I learnt. But ask yourself, is this ideal? Is this what we want for the future generations? Orang cakap kat kita 'Come on, be realistic, reserve negara sekian sekian, GDP negara sekian-sekian, it's mathematically impossible kita boleh bagi free education'.

Peduli apa aku kalau mathematically impossible pun? Im an idealist, not a realist. We live by our ideals, and that's the only reason I woke up everyday and live my life.  To see a better day. To say that something is not possible is like killing our aspirations and hopes. Instead of saying 'not possible', why don't we all just strive and work harder to realize these ideals? 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another whiny post

I'm currently on holidays. Just finished my exam last Friday. Didn't do much, just wasting my time away. Still suffering from final examination burn outs. Took 6 subjects, 3 of them were my major papers. All of them were giving me major headaches. I didnt mean to bitch and moan about it, but finance is bloody hard. I thought it was going to be a walk in the park, since I love calculations and hate reading. Turns out that my calculation prowess isn't good enough... and I still have to read pretty much every page from the textbook.

I got myself a two semesters exemption. And I am planning to stick with the three years graduation plan out of the four initial years before exemption. But here's the thing. Since I am majoring in finance, I have to take 6 major financial papers amounting to 20 units. We can't pick our major unless we're in our second year, according to the deputy dean. So by the time I picked my major, I only have 3 semesters left to complete these 20 units of major paper minus one semester for practical training. And because of the tight time frame, I got no choice  but to take 3 major papers for two consecutive semesters. One semester down; which I barely (hopefully) made it; one semester to go.

That doesn't even begin to fairly describe the hardships. You might think, 'what in the bloody hell this fag is whining about, it's just 3 major papers'. Now let me indulge you with the fact that I had to take three finance paper, one of which equivalent to level 1 CFA test, concurrently with no basic whatsoever. You see, there were pre-requisites paper. I.e you gotta take paper A in order to do paper B, and you need to pass paper B  in order to take paper C. I went all out of my way bending the rules by taking paper C, D , E and F. haha saja ja over dramatic sikit. I found out later (wayy later) that we already can pick our major during second semester in first year, which enraged me, because if I were able to do that, kurang la sikit beban. Meh, benda da lepas.

These major papers are giving me headache, I'm starting to contemplate whether I should still stick to my three years plan or add on another semester. Rasa sayang pulak nak add another semester considering I had went through so much already. Nak kena suffer lagi satu sem ja. On the other hands, Im afraid that this might   affect my cgpas. Haih. And i've been rambling and whining about my studies, sedangkan at the beginning of the post I was planning to write about my holiday plans. Macam off topic gila, so skarang kena tukar title pulak.=_=" Furthermore i made a vow to not complaint, whine or moan when Im back blogging. janji tinggal janji. heuheu. laters

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Just a brief updates on what happened the past one and a half year. I got into usm, studying management, majoring in finance. Initially, aku tak dapat pun usm. Hari yang usm announce successful applicants, ramai bdk2 kolej aku dapat, especially yang mass comm. Agak sedih jugakla bila tak dapat offer mana-mana. Tp usaha macam2 la jugak untuk appeal masuk usm. I remembered  going to see Dato Omar Osman (time tu dia belum jadi VC lagi) with my dad to plea my case. Dato OO was abah's schoolmate in PFS, that's how abah could arranged an appointment with him. After a month camtu, dapat two good news. Appeal for usm succesful, and dapat jugak offer dari UM through upu. Tapi untuk usm aku dapat management, and untuk UM aku dapat accounting. Big dilemma there. Where I want to study vs what I want to study. Of course, my ideal choice would be to study in usm doing accounting.

Macam lagu 'You can't always get what you want', I seek advise from family and friends. Buat juga solat istikharah tapi macam tak dapat lagi to come to a decision. Two days sebelum student registration, still couldnt make up my mind. Abah and mama marah la jugak, sbb bila aku tak decide apa2 lagi, depa takleh nak buat apa-apa (travel arrangement, apply cuti etc). And then it hit me that, the fact that I haven't pack my stuff was probably because I did not want to go to um. I take it as a sign from the Almighty, and decided to go to usm. And until now, Im happy with that decision and made my peace with it.

I also managed to get a few scholarship offers. JPA, SC, Sime Darby and Angkasa, to name a few. But I decided to sign with Sime Darby. My last post before I deactivated this blog was regarding YSD interview. Actually, after that first interview, there were two more interviews that I had to attend (not just one like i previously stated). Will cover more about this in future post. Still play futsal. Even managed to play for the varsity and travel as far as Indonesia to participate in tournament there. Feels good to rekindle that feeling of being a full time footballer. Dapat travel, dapat allowance, dapat main futsal. :)

Let's see what else. The rest are pretty much the same. Nothing much change. Probably just had to cut back all the lollygagging and berjimba-jimba. Ever since I picked on my finance major, I have to work extra harder in my studies. Can't remember when was the last time I watched a movie, when was the last time I went away for a vacation and how many times I had to turn down futsal invitations. lol those who knew me well will know that I rarely turn down a futsal game. Tapi nak buat macam mana. A small price to pay for tomorrow's harvest. That's all for now.

Friday, January 18, 2013

One and A Half Year


Hola. One and a half year. And here we are again, back to square one. Only this time, I already have 134 posts in my archive. Going through the old post ain't that bad, it cracked me up when I read some of my immature attention-seeking post. Not saying that I'm way cooler and mature now; most probably I haven't change at all and perhaps I will still write like a fool. But at least being away from blogging for over a year gave you some perspective on what changes and improvements needed.

The first big change would be my layout design. LOL. Apa ni apa ni apa ni. Letak background corak bunga-bunga paihtu letak gambaq sendiri buat yoga.. pfftt. Now we're back to basic. Simple layout. No fancy widgets, banner whatsoever. And the second change, of course the content. Perhaps maybe a little more mature, less personal post and better language usage.

I purposely deactivated this blog a year and a half ago for various reasons, but mainly due to the declining motivation. I hate starting my post with "It's been a while blablabla" or "eh eh lameenyeww tak belog" or yg paling standard "eh ehh banyaknya habuk dan sawanng kat blog ni". So I decided to call it quits because along the way, writing was becoming a habit, not passion.

Shortly after, uni life took me by a storm.Classes to attend, training and matches to play and assignments to submit etc. Then I realized something is a bit off. My cognitive is under performing. My creativity  and productivity is waning. I needed more time to think, write or understand something. And I've been trying to find out the cause ever since.

What's the difference between college life and uni life that could have cause this? Is it something that I didnt do then that I do now? or is it something that I did then but didnt do now? is it the time spent playing futsal? the red bulls? cigarettes? the late night hang out and lollygagging with friends? Chatted with an old mate of mine, and there it is. Writing. We always underestimated writing. Writing leads to thinking but we always thought that its the other way around. So let's try. At least for a little while. Hopefully. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Bye.