Monday, January 21, 2013


Four posts in four days. Wah, on a roll ahh this fella. hehe. jangan warm warm chicken poop dah la. lama-lama nanti update sebulan sekali ja. lulz. Isu 'listen' baru-baru ni buat aku teringin nak tulis pasal pembodohan mahasiswa. Regarding mentality and attitude of our mahasiswa which frustrates me times and times again. Yes, I believe people are different and they are entitled to their own opinion. Having said that, kalau seseorang tu ada opinion yang tak mainstream, tak semestinya dia salah.

I took a finance major and psychology as my minor. Hampir setiap minggu aku disuap dengan pelbagai teori dan model kewangan yang penuh dengan unsur riba, yang menindas masyarakat dan cukup zalim. Dekat kelas psychology, aku disuap pulak dengan pelbagai teori-teori psikologi yang sangat bizzare mcm Darwin evolution theory yg ckp mankind comes from monkey,oedipus complex yg ckp you are sexually attracted to your mother and wants to kill your dad, and other weird stuff.

You see, no matter how much truth is reflected in this lesson, or no matter how much these things are accepted worldwide we ought to think for ourself and never let our opinion be of those from the textbook we read. Jangan nak jadi pedantic sangat by simply accepting and believing whatever that we've been told. Orang cakap A, kita pun cakap A, sebab apa, ouhh sebab ada dalam textbook, sebab ada dalam newspaper. Sebab satu dunia pakai sistem tu. So kita ikut ja lah.

Kalau orang cakap kat kita 'free education for all in malaysia is not possible' kita pun tepuk tangan dan setuju. Orang yang terlebih pandai pun mula lah nak quote some stuff he read in Google Scholar without for even a second challenging or criticizing the idea. Yes, whatever they told us might contain the truth, or half the truth like those financial models I learnt. But ask yourself, is this ideal? Is this what we want for the future generations? Orang cakap kat kita 'Come on, be realistic, reserve negara sekian sekian, GDP negara sekian-sekian, it's mathematically impossible kita boleh bagi free education'.

Peduli apa aku kalau mathematically impossible pun? Im an idealist, not a realist. We live by our ideals, and that's the only reason I woke up everyday and live my life.  To see a better day. To say that something is not possible is like killing our aspirations and hopes. Instead of saying 'not possible', why don't we all just strive and work harder to realize these ideals? 

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