Friday, January 18, 2013

One and A Half Year


Hola. One and a half year. And here we are again, back to square one. Only this time, I already have 134 posts in my archive. Going through the old post ain't that bad, it cracked me up when I read some of my immature attention-seeking post. Not saying that I'm way cooler and mature now; most probably I haven't change at all and perhaps I will still write like a fool. But at least being away from blogging for over a year gave you some perspective on what changes and improvements needed.

The first big change would be my layout design. LOL. Apa ni apa ni apa ni. Letak background corak bunga-bunga paihtu letak gambaq sendiri buat yoga.. pfftt. Now we're back to basic. Simple layout. No fancy widgets, banner whatsoever. And the second change, of course the content. Perhaps maybe a little more mature, less personal post and better language usage.

I purposely deactivated this blog a year and a half ago for various reasons, but mainly due to the declining motivation. I hate starting my post with "It's been a while blablabla" or "eh eh lameenyeww tak belog" or yg paling standard "eh ehh banyaknya habuk dan sawanng kat blog ni". So I decided to call it quits because along the way, writing was becoming a habit, not passion.

Shortly after, uni life took me by a storm.Classes to attend, training and matches to play and assignments to submit etc. Then I realized something is a bit off. My cognitive is under performing. My creativity  and productivity is waning. I needed more time to think, write or understand something. And I've been trying to find out the cause ever since.

What's the difference between college life and uni life that could have cause this? Is it something that I didnt do then that I do now? or is it something that I did then but didnt do now? is it the time spent playing futsal? the red bulls? cigarettes? the late night hang out and lollygagging with friends? Chatted with an old mate of mine, and there it is. Writing. We always underestimated writing. Writing leads to thinking but we always thought that its the other way around. So let's try. At least for a little while. Hopefully. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Bye.

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