Monday, January 28, 2013

Maharaja Penang

I am a proud penangite. I love everything about it. The food, culture, people, history and many more. There's no place that could ever compares with my Penang. Makan pi la apa pun, tapi last2 nanti cari nasi kandaq jugak. Nasi kandaq ganja special recipe, mana tak sedap. Unlike college, I met lots of friends from all other states in Uni. So whenever I had the chance, I would promote everything there is about Penang. And it's good, for a change, to hear outsider's opinion about Penang, the host-state where they study. 

I'm proud if I stumbled across status-status fb/twitter orang luar yang tulis 'woah, nasik kandaq sedap', 'pesta penang best', or 'jalan-jalan tgk heritage penang'. Of which Im sure that they will have a good time, or at least learnt something from their penang-experience. Tapi..kadang-kadang tu ada jugak jumpa status or updates yang tak best. Macam 'penang ni panas gila'. Or some spoilt brat tulis 'uols takdak ice skating rink ka?, tmpat iols ada 8 skating rink'. -_-" Salam middle finger utk ang, sbb klu ang check betul2, kat kompleks bukit jambul dulu ada ja ice skating, cuma skarang dah takdak. Because ice skating is not the 'in thing' nowadays.

Ok aku melawak ja. Kami orang penang penuh dengan sopan santun. Kami tak buat salam middle finger atau warning orang ala-ala meme ni. Paling kuat pun kami haria sampai relai jaa. Haha. Okay joking aside, lets make it clear that I'm not an ethnocentric. I never feel in any way, that our culture is superior than any other cultures. It's just that I want all my friends to have a good time during their three/four years stint staying in Penang. Maybe Im a people pleaser, so kalau orang kata biskut tambun atau jeruk kedai ni tak sedap, aku nanti usaha juga cari biskut tambun or jeruk yang sedap hoping that he/she will change his mind.

My friends who knew my people pleasing nature would always ripped me off complaining about Penang, because they know it ticks me off and annoys me. Sometimes they would join forces just to see that smirk on my face. They enjoyed to see me defending penang's honour eventhough I ran out of points to argue. That bad huh? okay fineee. but fyi, no, kalau kawin dengan mamak penang, depa tak mangga grill and kurung bini depa. Anak mami lani boleh ja kluaq jalan-jalan pi ropewalk or pi chowrasta. And bila kami cakap kuah gulai, it refers to kuah kari, not just any kind of kuah. Okay I ran out points. Next time pulak.

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