Saturday, January 19, 2013


Just a brief updates on what happened the past one and a half year. I got into usm, studying management, majoring in finance. Initially, aku tak dapat pun usm. Hari yang usm announce successful applicants, ramai bdk2 kolej aku dapat, especially yang mass comm. Agak sedih jugakla bila tak dapat offer mana-mana. Tp usaha macam2 la jugak untuk appeal masuk usm. I remembered  going to see Dato Omar Osman (time tu dia belum jadi VC lagi) with my dad to plea my case. Dato OO was abah's schoolmate in PFS, that's how abah could arranged an appointment with him. After a month camtu, dapat two good news. Appeal for usm succesful, and dapat jugak offer dari UM through upu. Tapi untuk usm aku dapat management, and untuk UM aku dapat accounting. Big dilemma there. Where I want to study vs what I want to study. Of course, my ideal choice would be to study in usm doing accounting.

Macam lagu 'You can't always get what you want', I seek advise from family and friends. Buat juga solat istikharah tapi macam tak dapat lagi to come to a decision. Two days sebelum student registration, still couldnt make up my mind. Abah and mama marah la jugak, sbb bila aku tak decide apa2 lagi, depa takleh nak buat apa-apa (travel arrangement, apply cuti etc). And then it hit me that, the fact that I haven't pack my stuff was probably because I did not want to go to um. I take it as a sign from the Almighty, and decided to go to usm. And until now, Im happy with that decision and made my peace with it.

I also managed to get a few scholarship offers. JPA, SC, Sime Darby and Angkasa, to name a few. But I decided to sign with Sime Darby. My last post before I deactivated this blog was regarding YSD interview. Actually, after that first interview, there were two more interviews that I had to attend (not just one like i previously stated). Will cover more about this in future post. Still play futsal. Even managed to play for the varsity and travel as far as Indonesia to participate in tournament there. Feels good to rekindle that feeling of being a full time footballer. Dapat travel, dapat allowance, dapat main futsal. :)

Let's see what else. The rest are pretty much the same. Nothing much change. Probably just had to cut back all the lollygagging and berjimba-jimba. Ever since I picked on my finance major, I have to work extra harder in my studies. Can't remember when was the last time I watched a movie, when was the last time I went away for a vacation and how many times I had to turn down futsal invitations. lol those who knew me well will know that I rarely turn down a futsal game. Tapi nak buat macam mana. A small price to pay for tomorrow's harvest. That's all for now.

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