Thursday, June 6, 2013


My last post before final exam, before I go deep beyond enemy lines doing some reconnaissance stuff. Study la tu. I'm here to ramble on a few things till it make sense and off I'll go. Been doing a little bit of studying. I dunno why but I like to listen to John Mayer's when I studied. Odd but his rendition suits my study mood. And its funny how after all this time, I only realised now that most of his chorus are repetitive. Say what you need to say, face to call home, your body is a wonderland, waiting on the world to change, to name a few. Chorus dia mcm satu line ja, tapi dia ulang-ulang. Haha.

Nevertheless, he's a lyrical and a musical talent to the extend you can listen to the same song over and over again, but for a different reasons. Anyway, Im still dreading to study, I dont know why. Was it because that I feel safe? Or was it plain laziness? Or was it too much that I couldnt even begin to start studying? Banyak sangat nak kena study, sampai nak start study pun bercinta. (bercinta=rasa macam tak larat, tak berdaya, malas,). Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.

Anyway, Corporate Finance's carry marks were out today. Alhamdulillah, I did good. But it really hit me. Corporate Finance is really a tough subject. It covers pretty much everything from investment, capital budgeting, risks, foreign exchange, bonds and stocks and pretty much everything. The text book alone is 1000 pages. Banyak habaq hang. Nak kena cover and nak kena study. I studied like a mad dog during the mid term. Yes, aku bersyukur sangat sebab result elok. Tapi aku began to wonder, berbaloikah study macam orang gila and dapat A untuk just a 3 unit subjects?

CF 3 unit ja kot, but it feels like a 5 unit subject. How am I to say this...okay like this. Theoretically speaking, kalau aku nak score A untuk CF aku perlukan 20 hours untuk study. Sedangkan aku mungkin hanya perlu study selama 9 jam untuk paper munakahat untuk score elok-elok. Tapi paper munakahat 4 unit. You see where I am going? Okay you might argue that 'okay, just simply spend the 29 hours studying on both subjects and you'll get an A in both'. But its not that simple you see. There's resource scarcity; i.e lack of time. And also, life is not always 'ceteris paribus' like we learnt in our economy class.

For example, if I spent 20 hours on CF, and even if I have that extra 9 hours to study munakahat, I might suffered a burnout or fatigue by the time I studied munakahat. So that 9 hours spent won't be as efficient any more. So the weighted average of effort that I put in every subject is extremely important. Aku lebih rela dapat 5B daripada dapat 2A3C. Because after all, it's all about the cgpas. They dont care what subjects you score or what subjects you flunk. They just want to look at your pointers.

Anyway, Im off now. Mintak maaf kalau ada salah dan silap mana-mana. Kalau aku ada buat sapa-sapa terhentak hati tu, harap dapat maafkan aku. Tolongkan doakan aku hadapi semester paling mencabar dalam hidup aku. May Allah bless us all. Good luck untuk yang nak exam, and Godspeed untuk orang yang takda exam. I'll be back writing by the end of the month, EnshaAllah :)

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