Thursday, June 20, 2013

Universiti Sedara Mara

I'm back. Finished my exam yesterday. I think I finished considerably early la jugak daripada sem2 sebelum ni, since exams are not over at least until  the 28th. Dunno how am I going to fare this time, but I did everything I could, so no regrets there. Lepas ni nak kena start cardio and start cari fitness balik, because the week before puasa we'll be having this masum centralized training. And the part I hate the most is the fitness test. They'll make us do all sorts of things to evaluate our lung capacity. Make it an exception for the futsal team please, Puan Mei. Futsal's got unlimited substitution so stamina and fitness are not necessary traits. Haha. Macam boling la. Ceyy marah budak boling baca ni. Haha.

Anyway, the other day I was caught smoking by JK near the library. Mungkin mood dia baik haritu so this security officer datang la kat aku nak saman aku. Time tu aku dahla tgh tension nak exam corporate finance, and here he come, preaching at nagging at me. He was about to take out his summon and booked me, but then I remember something. I quickly say "Abg, sorry bang saya anak buah Cik X, tak buat lagi dah bla bla,". So instead of a summon, I managed to walk away with just a telling off. Cik X is also a security officer from Jabatan Keselamatan, and he happened to be my futsal coach. You see, the power of connection. 

And then I remember dekat usm ni aku ada banyak kenal orang yang selain daripada student, yang boleh tolong dan memudahkan hidup aku. Aku ada uncle yang kerja dekat Pusat Sukan (free facilities charges), ada kawan yang meniaga ayaq dekat kafe Bakti Permai (free drinks) and ouh ex coach aku punya wife kerja dekat SOM, so kalau ada apa2 problem dengan school boleh pi mintak tolong dengan dia. Heck even my derivative lecturer happened to be my parent's friend, so semua benda yang aku buat (dan jugak benda yang aku tak buat) abeh dia report kat parents aku.

 It feels like high school all over again. 'Azmil tak buat homework', 'Azmil tak datang kelas', 'Azmil tak buat folio'. Yep both my parents are teachers, so thats why its so easy for my teachers to report to them. 

So samala macam dekat USM. The rule of thumb is actually simple. If you're a penangite and a usm student, chances are, you will know a lot of people there that are related to you, by blood or by relationship. Or at least knew someone that knew someone you know. My ex tekun roommate Wan, mak dia kerja dekat kampus kejut. My friend masyitah had a cousin there. My friend ayu, her dad's working there. Also, another friend, Sue has an auntie who taught in SOM. You see the pattern here. 

I also saw Najah in my social psychology class. Small world. This one, I could at least knew there are four other of her siblings that studied here, kot atas bapak depa used to teach here. Sebab tu kadang-kadang kita dengar orang cakap USM, Universiti Sedara Mara. Pusing kot mana pun, kita mesti akan jumpa someone that is related to someone. I think this is because of the Apex status. Since USM handle it's own student intake and staff recruitment, depa mestila nak perbetui anak-anak, sedara mara depa dulu. For example kalau ada vacancy, depa nanti cari la sedara depa dulu, pastu baru la depa open kat public. 

In all honesty, I got nothing against it. To me, that is one unique thing about usm that contributed to our unique culture. Cuma satu ja la. Unless if you deserve and want to be here, don't come here. Just disebabkan orang respect auntie hang and ambik hang kerja kat sini, tak bermaksud hang boleh ambik mudah dengan semua benda. Ni kerja nak ngelat. Punch in lambat, punch out nak awal ja. Orang dok beratuq kat lobby tunggu service, ang dok bagui punya dok sembang kat belakang. Tak best la camtu. Same goes to the students. Because there are thousands others who would kill to be given a spot here. A simple fact that sometime even I used to forget and took granted for. 

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