Sunday, June 23, 2013

Taik Hidung Masin

It sickened me to the core to see the astronomical price of movie tickets during the weekend. I mean come on, I can barely tolerate weekday's price to begin with. That's why I resorted to torrenting and pirating most of the time. No Im not cheap, Im just thrifty like that. lulz. But then again if we were to go back to economics theory, if there's demand there's supply. And the illusion and perception we have over something certainly reflected the value we are willing to pay. Kalau orang perceive service tu RM 13 dan orang sanggup bayar, memang provider akan terima la. After all what they seek is to maximize their profit.

So let's talk about price. Price have two component in them. Implicit and explicit. I just want to talk about the implicit element of the price here. Implicit element is pretty much intangible, subjective to our perception and very hard to measure. For example, brand value. If you're given a choice between Darlie or Colgate, you are likely to pay more for Colgate. Because we have been predisposed in the back of our mind that Colgate is of  better quality and good toothpaste. Just like that. 

And more often than not, we are willing to pay a certain product at a premium. For example, Panadol. We are willing to pay more for Panadol at a premium instead of buying an unbranded generic paracetamol. Putting the Panadol label simply makes it more expensive. Sama la dengan cinema ni. You paid ridiculous amount of money for the popcorn and soft drinks, sedangkan berapa ringgit sangat ja cost of production dia. That's why I prefer to seludup my own food into the cinema. I'm not cool with this act of highway robbery.

This is also another reason why I only ordered sky juice when Im out dining at a lifestyle cafe. Aku pernah tengok dengan mata aku sendiri, this waiter kat Secret Recipe pour a 500ml bottled Coke into a glass, and charged them at a premium of what 5, 6 ringgit? Sedangkan if we were to go buy our own 500ml bottled Coke kat grocery store, Im sure we can get them at most 2.5 ringgit. But anyway, like I said, it's a matter of perception and the question of whether or not should we go along with this system relies on your evaluation and personal opinion. 

But for me, nah I'd passed. I'm not paying a premium for things that I can get elsewhere at a cheaper price. Tu tak masuk lagi government and service tax. Aku lagi rela seludup maruku ikan dalam wayang. Sedap pun sedap. Thrill pun thrill, since you're like, breaking the law. Yes I'm a bad boi liddat.

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