Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Wow two post in one day. Just so you know, the recent posts i posted was purely fictional. It got nothing to do with anyone or me in particular. In school I wasn't really a jock, nor an alpha male, nor a bully. Kita kat sekolah dulu budak baik oke. Haha. Neither was I being ambushed by Jabatan Agama. Semua rekaan semata-mata. Ok maybe there are some part of that was from my personal experience but I extracted it in a form that would be totally unrecognisable.  

This is the first time Im exploring another angle or genre of writing and I find it very fun and exciting. Ideas flowing like a river sampai kena buat two part post. Haha. I guess thats the benefit of free writing. You're not bind to facts and and your one dimensional perspectives. You can came up with nonsense for all you care, and engaged with things beyond your box of imagination. Perhaps there should be more posts like that in the future instead of having you guys listened to me whine about how sucky my life is. 

Final exam's next week and I am slowly suffering from withdrawal. I stopped tweeting, locked myself up in my room for hours and stopped replying my mails and texts.  
So I guess, these recent influx of blog posts (4 in a week!) is a way for me to compensate my withdrawals, loneliness and lack of socialization. But I think I'll stopped blogging for a while too, at least until the exam's over. 

Anyway, it's early in the morning and it's raining. And all these withdrawals makes me sappy and jiwang. Especially when you have a bunch of oldies song in your ipod playlist. Old is gold. 

My favourites.

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