Thursday, July 18, 2013

Buat rancak.

Ever since they announced the upu n usm intake results, all fb groups related to my uni has been swarmed by thousands of the new upcoming students asking question regarding the uni. These noobies asked a lot of questions I can tell you. All the important ones, and also the not so important one. Tapi senior semua baguih-baguih. Depa jawab pi la berapa puluh kali pun walaupun soalan yang freshies ni tanya soalan yang sama, redundant, even the trivial one; macam soalan ada hantu tak kat desasiswa?

Time-time ni lah 'abang-abang' dan 'kakak-kakak' keluar dan menonjolkan diri mereka. Kan..tiba-tiba ja semua orang pun nak jadi abang, kakak, biras, sepupu, sepapat depa. My advise to you noobies, jangan bersakan-sakan sangat berabang-abang, berkakak-kakak ni. Relax dulu. All the cool kids will only appear during the mid semester. Why you may asked? Because awal-awal sem, the cool kids mana mau datang lagi uni. Gang-gang pulun, gang-gang yang skema ja la yang sanggup datang awal, jadi ppsl bagai, pegi kelas first amik syllabus suma. And then during the mid sem, gang-gang pulun ni nanti busy dengan activities and programs, and only then you'll notice the cool kids one by one. Haha!

Okay, mengata di bulan romodon jokes aside, the reason why I am writing this is to talk about my course, particularly my major. That's right aku pun nak jadi abang-abang jugak. Haha. But only for different reasons. I noticed that a lot of my friends didn't know much about what I study and sometimes did not know the difference between finance and accounting. So first, let's address the difference between accountancy and my major, which is finance. Accountancy is basically about the bookkeeping of the business. It basically measures, analyzes and interprets the data and performance of an entity. And these datas will be portrayed into financial statements.

Moving on to finance. It covers a huge array of subjects, I dont know where to begin. But basically it involves decision makings, risk management and assets and liabilities management. We studied pretty much everything that has monetary values in it. Stocks, bonds, insurances, the markets, derivatives, foreign exchange, securities, savings, cash flow management and many more. In finance, we're looking to maximized profit and prolong the survival of the firm through a series of strategies and decision making. How? By looking and examining the financial statements prepared by the accountants.

You see, a finance student might not know how to produce an account, but they simply know how to use it. In a nutshell, accounting and finance are inter related. That's why sometime people confused those two. Finance is pretty much a hybrid between art and science. There's always theories, formulas and calculation involved. But all of it won't matter if you disregard the 'art' part. Which is things that are immeasurable like risk aversion, trend and the global economy. Yeah you can came up with the best regression equation to earn outrageous profit buying stocks for example, and yet you could still suffer a loss because you overlooked some minor detail.

I mean, if finance is a science, then semua orang dah lama la jadi kaya raya. Another reason why it is also an art is down to choices we made. For example in capital budgeting, you can structure your capital structure anyway you want. For example 60 % equity-40% debt or 40% equity-60% debt. It's all up to you. Dengan economic conditions, trends, interest and inflations, these choices could affect the health of your company. It's not that interesting pun, pi mai pi mai kami nanti main benda yang sama jugak. But in finance the scope is soo wide. They have a wide variety of players, bukan setakat traders ja. And also they have a wide variety of markets. I mean kat Malaysia ja pun kita bukan ada setakat bskl ja, kita ada market lain lagi macam commodity, futures, and options market. Tu belum masuk lagi banking and financial institutions. 

And there's always firms and industries. Because pretty much everything that's running the world right now need finance manager. Even governments. Heck, finance manager might know nothing about automobiles and the pharmaceutical industries but these big boys, they need finance manager to handle their funds and capital in order for them to grow. So that's how we get a slice of that big fat cake. Macam lawyer la lebih kurang. Nak kawin? kena jumpa lawyer. Nak cerai? Jumpa lawyer. Nak beli kerete? lawyer. nak beli rumah? sign legal contract. sapa buat? lawyer. We can pretty much stick our nose into everything. Buat rancak.

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