Monday, July 15, 2013

A good leader is a good subordinates

I've been going to masjid negeri for 15 years since I moved here and I already developed a knack of knowing who's the imam performing the prayers from 20,30 safs at the back without looking at him.  It's not hard really, you just need an adept ears to be able to identify their voices, tone, pitch, reciting style etc. Because everyone has a very unique, distinctive style of reciting. And having that skills developed, I also learnt to manage my expectations and concentration better. Manage di sini bukan la bermaksud kalau imam tu bukan imam favorite aku, aku skip prayers atau pergi masjid lain. Maksud aku, kalau imam tu memang dari awal aku dah tau style dia macam mana, bacaan dia laju ke perlahan ke, sedap ke kurang sedap ke; in a way it helps me to regulate my expectations and improve my kekusyukan.

Anyway, aku bukan nak cita pasal imam sangat. Cuma ada la kena mengena sikit. You see, I've been this ustaz's makmum for quite a while now and I realized that his performance is dropping. He is the imam besar there. In a way, he's like the big boss there. Bacaan dia dah tak selancar dulu and kadang-kadang dia terlupa surah yang dia nak baca. Kalau nak dibandingkan dengan imam-imam lain, depa kemas lagi. I'm not writing this to point out his flaws or anything, I mean, come on ilmu dia dengan aku memang macam langit dengan bumi. That's out of the question. Aku bukan nak kondem atau kritik dia.

Cuma aku terfikir, adakah kemahiran kita akan diminish bila kita pegang tanggungjawab pengurusan? Take my parents for example. When they got promoted to be a part of the school's management teams, a lot of things changed. Fokus dan skop depa dah jadi semakin besar. Tanggungjawab pun dah berbeza. Dulu depa ajar 20-30 hours a week. Sekarang, they only teach from 2 to 3 classes, less than 10 hours a week. This is because they need to focus more on the management side of the school; attending meetings, dealings with jabatan and kementerian, hal ehwal luaran dan dalaman sekolah etc. The question is, does this changes affect their role as a teacher? 

I have this lecturer of mine who happened to be the deputy dean and she was just promoted even further to work at the chancellery with the top management team. If I were to evaluate her teaching from a scale of 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I would have given her only 5. I dont question her work ethics, because to me, she's motivated as ever. Cuma bab-bab teaching ni, kadang-kadang aku rasa macam she didnt give her best. Kadang-kadang dia lupa benda yang dia nak ajar, kadang-kadang dia lupa yang dia ada kelas pun. And her teaching was pretty much superficial. Very basic and only exist at the surface. It's as if she's reading to us.

Aku teringat when the tv show House was still around, House selalu lawan cakap Cuddy, the Chief of Medicine. Because Cuddy was always thinking as a manager, not a doctor. Cuddy dwells with management things like hospital's policies, handling lawsuits, public relations, risk etc, and not the best interest of the patient. I am not trying to play down the importance of the management team, but for me, a good manager should be a good -insert jobs here-. I think that's the best way to move forward in your career and grow as a person. 

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