Monday, July 1, 2013

Gang UG

I posted about the terrific trio couple of years ago. For those of you who didn't know, yes, Hafiz and Yahya are also in USM, also majoring in finance like me. But their story is a little bit different than mine. And a little complicated too, so just bear with me while Im trying to piece everything together. To make things easier, let me tell you a little bit about my college, Island College of Technology, where I spent 3 years of my life doing my diploma.

You see ICT is one of the few lucky colleges to offer degree programme under the USM flagship. In other words, hang masuk belajaq kat ict, konvo nnt hang dapat skrol graduation dari USM. Tak banyak kolej yang diberi peluang untuk offer program francais under USM. Tak silap aku hanya ICT dgn KDU sahaja yang diberi lesen untuk offer program ni. Kat ICT, they used to offer Management and Pharmacy Courses. Diploma program pun macam tu, tapi they didnt used the 'kerjasama dengan USM' terms but they used the 'kawalselia USM'. That's why us ICT student dari diploma boleh dapat tranfer credit sampai 42 unit, which is the maxed amount.

I dont want to go into details, so long story short, Hafiz, Yahya, Suzy and a lot other friends of mine masuk belajar kat ICT under the francais program. Depa ikut syllabus kita sebijik, cuma lecturer ICT la yang nnt ajar. Tapi kadang-kadang lecturer counter part nanti turun padang jugak sekali sekala. For example, Dr Shankar nnt turun ICT ajar depa International Business. 

Also to make a long story short, there was a problem with ICT in 2011. Mungkin masalah royalti ke, takda duit ke macam mana tah, USM decided to tarik balik their francais license from ICT. Depa tarik lesen, and asked the students there to masuk USM. So that's how they ended up in USM. So boleh dikatakan yang kemasukan depa was purely not on merit, but it was purely incidental. So ramailah budak2 ict yang masuk USM. Nak tau depa yang mana satu senang ja. Matrik kad. Unlike us they have a unique matrik number. Matrik number depa ada perkataan UG kat depan. 

So if you found a management or pharmacy student with a 'UG' matric number, they are likely from ICT or KDU. And the best part is, they still get their mara allowance, around 700 bucks per month (note that MARA tak support student IPTA, only IPTS). So yes, kalau jumpa depa, silalah jek sikit apa yang patut, boleh depa blanja ampa teh tarik ka segelas. 

Seriously, aku dulu agak jealous dengan depa. Tak payah ambik munsyi, tak payah apply usm, tak payah score tinggi2, tapi dapat masuk usm. Pastu dapat duit mara lagi kot atas. Memang aku jelly. But what I thought as a gain for them was actually a loss to them. Kat sini depa tak boleh pilih minor. Depa wajib ambik minor communication. Pastu depa dah tak dapat privilege one on one tutoring mcm kat ict dulu. Lecturer ict dulu semua baik-baik dan senang sangat nak jumpa. Kalau ada benda tak paham nak tanya boleh walk in macam tu ja. Kalau kat usm nak kena buat appointment lah, tu pun belum tentu boleh jumpa lecturer. Busy memanjang. 

Kami suma masih lagi rapat macam biasa. Dok merapu meraban macam tu jugak. Tapi kami tak la selalu spend time together macam dulu kat ICT. Lagipun kami banyak kelas yang tak sama walaupun major sama. Sebab technically depa senior aku by one sem kat usm. But we are graduating together, InsyaAllah. 

Gambar ni time kami main treasure hunt kot kat padang kawad. Dapat hamper gittuw.

* I felt like I didnt do my college enough justice if I didnt clear up something. Sekarang ni college aku dah takda problem dah. In fact they are doing well. Ever since JKP ambik alih, banyak improvement yang dah dibuat. Dewan kuliah baru, management baru and student pun makin ramai. And also, lesen francais pun dah dapat balik. 

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