Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy and sad

Hari ni result intake untuk first degree keluar. I am absolutely thrilled to see some of my juniors who made the cut. Some of them were pretty close to me as I was the one who conducted their college orientation shortly before I left. Yang mana buat diploma ict banyak apply utk usm. Yang mana buat diploma uitm, depa apply degree fast track untuk sambung ke uitm. Masa aku kat ict, depa tak offer lagi diploma uitm. 

Tapi aku sedih jugak bila tengok ada yang tak dapat. I felt sympathy towards them as Im sure that they worked as hard as those who had gotten a place. Tapi takpa. Mesti ada hikmah untuk semua ini. Boleh buat rayuan lagi. Ada lagi ruang untuk make an effort. Kalau ada kabel besaq punya, pakai. How you start is not important. How you finish is more important. Orang tak berhak judge kita at the beginning. Orang hanya berhak judge kita bila kita dah habis belajar; berapa cgpa kita, our contribution towards the uni and society, what kind of person we have become. That's more important.

Aku lagi bertambah sedih bila tengok ada yang active in curricular activity, tapi tak dapat. It saddened me because they deserved to get a place, and it frustrates me that lack of information is the reason they didnt get  a place. Junior aku sorang nih, baru balik dari SUKMA kot, and she just heard her bad news today. 

Sekarang ni, all the major iptas have these so called 'alternative channel' for student intakes. Through this channel, those who qualified will get a direct admission into the university. For example, USM have this warga sukan intake. Mana-mana budak yang excelled in sports, akan terus dapat direct admission, with minimal academic result requirement la. And to have represented the state for SUKMA? Pejam mata, confirm dapat. I knew a lot of my friends who had gotten into USM through this channel. 

Of course, depa wajib main sports every semester. And they had to prepare reports and logs pertaining all their sports-related activity. But its not so much of a burden, but a pleasure to them. I mean, they love doing it. They breath and live for the sports that they involved in. Plus, ada allowance and scholarship lagi kot atas. It's a win-win-win situation. Dapat scholarship, dapat education, and dapat do things they love. Hang nak apa lagi?

They have different names for every uni. Kalau macam adik aku kat UKM, depa tak panggil warga sukan. Depa panggil 'thinking athlete' programme. Adik aku main kriket. Dia dapat direct intake terus dari SPM, buat degree kat UKM. Which is a big gain, sebab dia skip pre-U (stpm, matriculation, diploma). Tapi sayang, tak ramai orang tau pasal saluran-saluran alternatif ni. Should my junior yang main sukma ni tau pasal ni awal-awal, memang dia tak yah risau dah pasal getting a place. 

Saluran alternatif ni bukan untuk ahli sukan ja, tapi macam-macam lagi. Ada special intake untuk performing arts student, ada special intake untuk warga emas, ada special intake untuk student leaders. All you have to do is make an effort to search for them, and make additional effort to apply. Because one thing I can tell you, it is a little bit more complicated than the normal procedure. Kalau macam adik aku, dia kena travel pegi Bangi nak jumpa orang dari pusat sukan ukm, attend interview, etc. Which requires more effort than buying a pincode at BSN.  

So my advise to juniors out there, make an effort to search your alternatives. Guna internet sebaik mungkin. Jangan dok berfacebook ja.  

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