Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hey blog. Been quite a while since my last visit. Been a wee bit busy. Today I sat for my third paper, finance. *sigh* Still have 2 more papers to go; a long way to go. My last paper is on 6th. Man, there are others who had already started their holiday. So unfair. :( Yesterday as I was burning the midnight oil studying, one of them who finished their papers ajak tengok footy. #$%^&*$ I cannot resist the temptation, but I'd barely managed to say no. haha

Kind of suffering from a burn out right now. I stayed up last night. After my finance paper, my coach called asking me to play a match in the evening. It's a friendly match je pun. Lawan budak sekolah mana tah. But he knew I wouldnt say no when it comes to football. haha. So dgn tak tidurnya, I went to Padang Polo, pwning them high school boys. rofllmao

I was supposed to join the boys and girls at blue bayu, dining and celebrating Ernie's birthday. So after magrib, punya try dok senkang mata but at last my eyes gave in. Tertidoq sampai kul 11 tadi. Aku tidoq mati. Sorry guys, especially to Afiq and Nabil who insistently called me like what, 50 times? no kidding. Maybe next time.

I heard the orientation committee interview finished today. Among others, I heard that many changes is on the way, being that we have a new HEP. lol. I even heard that he asked one of the fellas attending interview to recite doa qunut. Haha nicely done. Nasib baik dia tanya doa qunut subuh, kalau dia tanya qunut nazilah ka qunut witir ka, garu kepala jugak la.

And ohh, nina bought me a hard rock cafe shirt on her trip to Hong Kong. uber cool! Thanx nina, you rock. I was only kidding but she bought it anyway. *sigh wish i could post the pic but with my superb high tech nokia 2100, I cant :(. haha. Anyway happy birthday Nina and wishing you a blissful years ahead of you. That's it. Im off tehtariking with the siblings.

Ok cun

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Beladi sheed.

Sometimes when you see your friends are happy with their girlfriends, it kinda gives you the urges to look for a girlfriend yourself. You try to visualize yourself being pampered,being taken care of and all those beladi shid that couples did. You thought "aaaw.. how sweet is that?" And then you started thinking "hey, I can have that too!". You remembered that you have a few candidates on your contact list from how many years back, from which you claimed that you're not ready for a relationship just yet.

So you scrolled through the contact list, finding for their contacts. You scrolled A, then B then C till you reached the number that you were looking for. You called C. Nobody answered. Nevermind, there's plenty more in the contact list. So you called the others. You called N.

"Salam. Hey how are you?... Great! Hey listen last time you said that whenever I'm ready I should give you a call. Is the offer still open?"

To your dismay, she said that she's taken. Well, cant blame her, it's been 1 and a half year! Nevermind, it's her loss, you thought. Then C texted you, asking what is up? Which you replied cleverly "the sky". And to make story short, you asked her out and she agreed. So you're back in the dating game. You figured out what to wear, what to say, where to dine, what to do etc. And you figured that woman dont like guys who smokes, so you took a fun trip to the pharmacy and bought yourself a nicotine gum which is beladi expensive. And you go online, looking for tips on a first date since you've been out of the game for so many years. And one tip being 'Woman like smart guys'.

Smart? I can be smart. It easy. You said. Then the day came. During the date, both of you talked a lot. Then you realized there might be somewhat a connection between you guys. Until she talked about her favourite fruit. And trying to be smart just like the website told you, you said

"erm technically strawberries are not fruits. Fruits require it seed to be inside the ovary blablablabla"

You thought that you are smart and charming. So you go on and on for like 20 minutes talking about botany, diazepam, string theory, and perlembagaan Malaysia. Macammana hang hubung kait satu topik ke satu topik pun hang taktau. Yang hang tau, hang nak berlagak pandai. And the rest is history. No second date for you.

FML, eh FYL haha

ok cun

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Between the lines

I dont have many friend. But I have enough. And most importantly, I know in a heartbeat that these few friends of mine will always be there for me through thick or skin. No matter how far or how less we talk each day. Our friendship grew through time, and it didnt require us to bond in order for it to become stronger.

I dont believe in berkawan biar seribu. I choose who gets to be my friends and who doesnt. I think it is important because by becoming friends, we entered a covenant agreeing to commit and support each other. And I dont want to mess it up by just 'signing' up to the covenant. I do not want to commit to things that aren't any of my interest and on unnecessary things. Pretty much waste of time, I'd say.

There are lines and boundaries in friendship that you cannot cross. One being 'do not betray them just to score some chick you hardly know'. If you want to make yourself look good, ask help from your friends. Dont go running around badmouthing your friends just to make yourself look good. Beladi pis of sheed. And also, if you are hitting on your mate's old flame, asked if he's okay with it or simply just keep you mouth shut. You dont go bragging to others, as if she's already yours.

Because, now that you didnt just lose her, you've also lose a friend. I came upon this quote saying 'Lovers have a right to betray you... friends don't'. That tells it all. Friends are there for each other through the end but lovers come and go. I do not want to justify much as I've been compromised. Only a person as damaged as me would see through this logic haha.

Ok, off to watch footy. See you blog.

Ok cun

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oink Oink

Hello blog. We meet again. I just came back from a study group with the boys and girls. Study group? Well, more like a play group i'd say. I was slacking off gila2 and didnt participate much. I guess Im not the study group type of guy. I cant study in broad day light. Im a nocturnal species I guess. Night+Nicotine+Caffeine+Study=Uber pwnage!!

Lately, I've seen too many break ups happening around. Even couples that I thought would go live 'happily ever after' like most Taylor Swift songs pun disappoint me. Beladi hel, my thoughts of having Mrs. Right someday who would be by my side thru rain or shine is fading. Sigh, guess I should lower my expectations. Wah sudah 3 perkataan Guess telah ku guna dalam dua perenggan. Maybe petanda suruh aku ganti handbag guess adik aku yang aku jahanamkan. Cerita lain.

Earlier today, aku rasa sangat2 malas untuk keluar dari katil aku. Dan apabila aku keluar dari katil, aku terasa sngt2 malas untuk mandi. Dan apabila aku mandi, aku terasa sngt2 malas untuk breakfast. Dan apabila aku finally took my breakfast, aku terasa sngt2 malas untuk study. Dan apabila aku study, aku rasa sngt2.......ok aku tipu. aku tak study pun. you get the idea, blog. harini aku sngt2 lah malas.

Opened up my fb, check comments yg mempersendakan misai dan janggutku (cerita lain) and check the profile of this friend of mine who is currently undergoing a hard time breaking up with her bf. And I remembered. Aku ada post link youtube lagu 'eye of the tiger' nak kasi dia sembangat. Layan lagu tu and voila. terus smangat beb.

And I checked my playlist for other 'lagu semangat' andI came up with.
1. Viva La Vida by Coldplay
2. Mentera Semerah Padi by M Nasir and Tam
3. Remember the name by Fort Minor
4. Kryptonite by 3 doors down
5. Generasiku by OAG
6. I did it my way by Frank Sinatra
7. Superman by Five For Fighting
8. How to save a life by The Frays

And man, I studied for 3 consecutive hours afterwards. These songs served me as a warcry. Semboyan untuk pergi berperang. So there you go. My very own warcry. Im going to do this more often from now on. Off to study. beladi hel, im getting rusty. Post aku cam rojak arrghh

Ok cun

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rawr Rawr

Hello blog. My name's Azmil. Nice to meet you, blog. lmao. I decided to give you another try. Im not trying to gain money, or anything like that. The reason why I think I should blog again is to serve me as a time capsule. Maybe after a few years, when I look back, I'd have this blog to help me walk the aisle of memory lane together. Im not expecting readers apatah lgi followers but if you do visit, please dont flame me at the comment section. ><

And this time, Im hoping that I can stick with you for a long time, blog. I admit one of the things that I regret the most was deleting my friendster's blog. Sebab all post since waaaayyyy back in 2004 habes mcmtu ja. Dengan ini juga, cewah 'dengan ini' rofllmao aku mengumumkan penggantungan akaun twitter aku. Aku rasa malas nak twit sbb I cant find anything clever enough to say in 140 characters, and sbb aku bukan artis and rutin harian aku cukup membosankan dan cukup predictable. Aku suspend ja, aku tak delete terus. Aku takut nyesal cam aku delete friendster blog aku dulu. haizz..

Currently undergoing final examinations. First 3 papers aku agak merelaxkan since aku tak payah nak target A untuk dapat A. Carry marks agak last 2 paper yang agak cuak, PM and OB. argh enough rambling about exams. Im off to see Inter-Barcelona. See you blog.

Ok cun