Sunday, July 18, 2010


Many thanx to those who made yesterday's event a huge success. You guys made my day! To think that I was considering to bail out from you guys made me feel even guiltier(>.<) Anyways, I really had a blast. It was a pure delight seeing each and every one of them. Too bad some cant make it. Im sure they had more important things to do, unlike me who nearly bail them over some annual Japanese festival and some cheap shushi. Haha, dok pangkah diri sendiri plak. Grrr. Highlight of the night was when we were playing pillow talk; talking about things, on a personal level. The best part was that everybody participated in harmony with no ill feelings and bitterness even though some topics are quite sensitive and personal to be told.

Nothing much been going on with my life really. But a few weeks ago I did mentioned about this. Well, I've taken one; by confessing to a long time crush how I am into her. It's pretty much a big deal to me because I dont go around telling people that I fall for them. In fact I dont fall for someone that easy. I was really caught up with this chauvinism ideology of mine that I'm so proud off- until the day she came into my life and just swept me of my feet. There goes my chauvinism; into the drain. I felt butterflies in my stomach, something that I havent feel for years.

My palm was sweating, muscles was shaking, my lips trembled and my heart skipped a beat. I was worried that I will ruin things between us and affect our friendship, as her friendship alone already means so much to me. These two years I've been picking up myself and dusting myself off, so all these confidence of mine that I built could be crushed just like that if things go wrong. I cant afford another heartbreak. But I figured wth, she's worth every pain and hurt that I might suffer. So let's go out of that comfort zone just for this once. And I finally did it. Alhamdullilah the feeling is mutual :) she feels the same way too.

Dont get me wrong. That doesn't make us an item. It's just a licence for us to get to know each other more deeply. And a licence to flirt occasionally haha. We had our issues that we need to deal with first. Yeah, all these uncertainty and uneasiness is killing me. It's like footballer life all over again. You never know when you're wanted and when you're not wanted. When you're going to play in the first XI, and when you're warming that bench. It's killing me, but she's worth the hassle of being uncertain and uneasy. And Im not giving up on her, unless she told me to. Once Im in, Im in. For life. ♥


  1. Firstly,thanks for be super understanding regarding to this matter..People can say whatever they want but only us know what really happens between us :-P,It's going to take some time since we just know each other.I still dunno much about u and vice versa.hehe but i know lah,u pernah baca meg cabot's novel..hahaha ya ampun..Plus,we're movin too fast,im afraid that is either u or me cant bear with the new changes.>.< InsyaAllah,Love will find a way!

    You never know when you're wanted and when you're not wanted.---> >.< we'll talk bout this later yer hun!

  2. eh eh eh apasal ni? sapa nih? hahaha grrr.. >.< sebok tul, now my fans know its you :P i totally understand u yang, but still i cant help wondering. It's just a feeling, dont get the impression that i dok kejan u or anything k. haha kejan. rofl.okay, we'll talk later.

    And no, I dont read chick flick novel :P

  3. hahaha eh silap,that girl used my google account to comment u :-P so,now ppl still tatau lg la sapa that girl tu..haha.. >.<,yessssss i know that u tak kejan pun since u said u r flexible anytime.haha.I kat library nih,orang study i dok komen u pulak.. >.< imy!

  4. by the way,ur fans? ok la ok la..amik la nak sgt kat ur fan kan :P

  5. theehee imyt! tak nak fans. nak sorang tu je >.< haip over lak..
