Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pressure Mounting

I went to Kolej Tunku Abdul Razak this morning, cause they were having this high school musical thingy and Amar is participating. Punyala payah nak cari, but it was a delightful Sunday morning, so I cant complain much. At first when I entered the premises, nampak macam tak happening. Nampak macam event pekak mana tah. Because there's nobody outside. But when I entered the dewan, woah.

Rasa macam kena birthday surprise party. Cheers everywhere. Vuvuzela everywhere. Ok aku tipu, tiup wisel ja tak tiup Vuvuzela pun. I got to see Shazzy and Linda Jasmin in person too. They are two hot mamacita. Haha. I had fun watching through all of it. And Amar won third place, kudos to them. Ok, Amar, you had your share of fun. Now go do something manly, gay boy! lol. (padahal aku pun excited sama tgk depa perform tadi rofl)

Adam pun dah slamat abes register suma. Mama said everything is okay. Cuma hostel la jauh dari faculty and lecture hall. While waiting for us to post the bike, his cricket senior had offered him transportation. Talk about adapting to a new environment. He already has bunch of friends there, whom they had known for years since they were in primary. Im sure Adam is in good hands. The family is staying there for a few days, visiting relatives and see whether adam needs anything.

And as for me, registration day's tomorrow. Probably be going early tomorrow cause i have some debt I need to clear off with the finance department. Hutang insuran 10 henggit. Tu nak pi awai. Sebb rasa cam tak berbaloi beratur lama2 just to clear my debt, so that i can get my sem 5 results and register subjects. Everyone is nervous about their results and that includes me. Let's pray for the best okay everyone? Hopefully I aced that OB paper. Pressure is mounting because the only options I have is either maintaining or going down. There's no way up and the idea of going down send shivers down my spine.

O Allah, grant us calmness and well being heading towards our final semester. O Allah, put affections amongst our hearts, guide us towards peace and save us from any kinds of indecency. Barakah O Allah, bestow upon us Your mercy and success in the end of it all. O Most Merciful and Most Benificient, help us as without You we are nothing.

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