Tuesday, July 27, 2010


..tak update. My mom has been hospitalized. She underwent a surgery last Friday. So i've been juggling between schools, hospitals, and family duties for the past few days since mama is away. The doctor suspected that she had appendix outburst, but they werent sure of it. So they did an exploratory laparotomy surgery on her to check what's wrong. They found some infections and/or somekind of lump in her intestine which is believed to aggravate her sickness and they scraped it off. Well I really hope they get it right.

I cant stand the fact that mama had to go through all that. She suffered enough. She had gone under the blade quite a few times. When she gave birth to Najwa, she had a C-section. Then a while after that, she had heserectomy (betui ka eja) and now this. Sometimes I even prayed that I am the one who takes her place because seeing her in pain and suffering is killing me inside. Anyway today mama showed improvement, she started to eat solid food and started to chat with the patients next bed. Alhamdulillah.

Okay moving on to other stuff. It's funny when people judge you. It's even funnier when they only judged you with what they want to judge, not with what is there to judge. Like how you do 20 good things for the country, but the rakyat only wanted to talk about 2 bad things u do. And like how you bring so many good things in the football arena, but people only talked about the head butt you did to a racist opponent of yours in the World Cup Final. And like how youu used to be faithful for 3 years in a relationship, but people like to point out that one month fling you had with the office secretary.

It's basic mathematic. To find the correct conclusion, we have to make the correct premises. lol. Before we start labelling them stuff like 'penghisap syabu', 'sweet talker' or 'genious', we should really look deeper. Im not really a people pleaser. Fact, I dont give a twat about what people think of me. However there are some important people to me whom their opinion matters to me. People like friends and families. I would give anything just to gain their trust and attention..and affection. till then

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