Sunday, August 1, 2010

The golden thumb rule.

I have my very own golden thumb rule which I hold on to, firmly. Among many is never bring a girl to a shop that sells shiny and sparkling stuff. Recently, I brought Iera to Syarikat Pinang to book medals and trophies for her bowling tournament. My God it takes ages for Iera to make up her mind. Haha. It took us about one hour jugakla to finally decide on the trophies. Masuk kedai camtu dia jadi rambang mata. Suma pun cantik. Suma pun nak. lol If it it were me, I would enter, look around the store for about 5 minutes, choose which one I want and voila, Im already on my way home.

Another golden thumb rule that I've hold on to, is only meet the-girl-that-you-like's friends after the third date/outing. It is very likely that her friend will look at every single things you do, from head to toe; so you have to bring your A game on. One selfish reason why I only see the friends only after the third date is because I need her to really like me and to be comfortable with me first. So if I failed the 'friends evaluation' test it wont be so bad cause she wont listen much to her friends. Haha. Pecah tembelang. Haha tapi tu dulu la. Now it's more about worrying that I might screwed up and there wont be another outing, and thats bad, cause Im really into her. :)

So in one week, I have broken two of my proud self-made thumb of rule. Usually I dont simply change my system just like that cause if it works, why change? But it's not so bad after all. I got to learn how to pick the best value for money stuff and ehem, I also passed the friends evaluation test. Haha. Change is not a bad thing. Speaking of change, I have decided to quit smoking tomorrow. I've spent hours in my room today just thinking about this. Man, this is not an easy task, I know. To even begin to think of it is effking scary already. Im not just scared of handling my addiction, Im scared if I cant handle the change too.

Like I said, if it works why change? Cigarettes have been my best friend for quite some time. Through good and bad times, through that pressure mounting exam weeks, through those boring lectures and tutorials, you name it. They were always there for me. Im afraid that these changes would change my life for the worst. I cant study, I cant focus, i cant calm myself down, I cant stay awake, you know, things like that. It is a mountain to climb, because you are fighting against yourself. This is not a sport, or an examinations or a competition where all you have to do is beat and pwn your rivals where the strengths and weaknesses are different.

Why the rash decision? Simple. Her. You know how they said that each cigarettes cost you 5 minutes of your life? And tbh, no one has ever make me feel like this. She makes me want to live soo much so that I can have more time with her. If by quitting smoking would fancy my odds and minimize the risk, I'd definitely do it. Even for a fraction of seconds. I mean if they tell me that cigarettes only cost me 1 second of my life pun I'd definitely do it. Cause that 1 second is worth it. Plus we had our little arrangement if ever I succeed in my attempt. When you realized that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want 'the rest of your life' to start as soon as possible.

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