Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kota Ibu Kota

Assalamualaikum. Im sorry I havent updated much lately. A lot been going on with my life lately but I dont think I can share it here because they are too personal and they might mislead people. Plus this smoking cessation thingy had stalled me in that writing department. Usually I blogged with a cigarette in my hands, one after another until I completed a post. So now that there's no cigarette, I'm suffering with what they call as 'writer's block'. Haha budget penulis professional Azmil. Boo.

Anyway since Im in a good mood, I just want to recap a little thing or two about these ten days experience living without cigarettes. May i? May i? Boleh la. Boleh la. Boleh jugak. I know I already mentioned bout this in previous post, but I dont think that covers up everything. Plus, I was suffering from withdrawal and I wasnt in the right mind to post. I stopped smoking precisely at 12 am on the second of august. So up until now, I have not taken even a single inhalation of cigarette (eventhough at times I tried to negotiate with her to let me have a tiny bit of puff lol)

This is a huge thing for me. I know some people would go "cempera la hang, aku da 21 tahun tak isap rokok ang baru 10 hari tak isap rokok dok wat rancak" like nabila lol, but I dont care. It's bloody hard to quit. For someone like me to have nicotine flowing all over my body for so long, to have come this far is a bloody achievement. Plus, nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addiction to break. If you ask me, quitting smoking would top all my achievements I had achieved in ict during my almost three years of studies.

Like I said, it's never easy to stop smoking. You've got to have a very high determination and motivation in order to quit. You've got to fight that cravings and addictions you have. And dont let me get started with the withdrawals. It was/is a living hell. I becomes easily annoyed, always anxious, easily got impatience and Im also having difficulty concentrating. But Alhamdulillah with the support from family and friends, I've managed to shake them off a little and keep going. They are the reason why Im still here.

Im not trying to get a full of myself, but I consider myself 85% smoke free. After all I've been through with all sorts of temptations plus the approaching fasting months, Im quite confidence. Anyway got to go. Iftar with those Toastmaster friends. WIshing everyone a blissful and a delightful ramadhan, and let us take this opportunity to double up the goodness in us. Have a great one people.

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