Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As mentioned above, Im a mess. In couple of months, I'll be finishing my studies. Now Im starting to worry about my education path after this. Unlike me, some of my friends have already figured out what they want to do after this. Ada yang nak further finance, ada yang nak apply accounting, even ada yang nak apply perguruan (>.<). I wish it was just as easy for me. But I really need to think carefully and weight all my options I have in my hand. I do not want to make rash decisions and live in regret.

Ipta or ipts?
They say Azmil cant survive ipta sbb azmil jenis takdak law mya orang. What the fish aku takdak law! haha but when i think about it, they are not entirely wrong. Apa barang pakai formal2 ni. Apa barang park kereta/moto kat luaq pastu brjalan pi kelas. Apa barang register subject online. Apa barang kena balik awai sbb curfew. (>.< ) Tapi tipu la kalau aku kata aku tak tringin nak blajar ipta. And banyak plak duit mak pak aku nak antaq aku pi ipts.

Penang or somewhere other than Penang?
Yes, people scold me for being so narrow minded. They say someone of my calibre should be considering 'local or abroad' instead of penang or somewhere other than penang. Tbh, I dont really fancy a chance to study abroad. For me, studying abroad is a long shot. Bukan senang2 ja boleh pi. Kena apply ituini, kena ada duit, kena ada kabel, mcm2 lagi. And I really feel like I should be staying near to my folks. Taking care and looking after them. I am greatly indebted to them, for keeping faith in me when I screwed up, times and times again.

Financial Security.
Kalau boleh, I want to further my studies without making my parents pay even a cent. Like I said, they've done enough. So Im hoping that I could secure a scholarship or at least a convertible loan in my degree studies. After all, the reason why I work my socks off in my studies is to obtain a scholarship so I dont have to trouble my folks. Haha once you are spoiled living with the luxury that MARA had given you, you could never imagine studying without that monthly allowance. And the book allowance. And the thesis allowance. And the computer allowance. And..

They said that always take the one that you enjoy the most, but sadly I enjoy all of them. I love them as much. Every one of them. Accounts, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Economics, Marketing, Operations, etc. How can I decide la like this? pffttt.. Besides Im also pondering whether I should try my luck and apply actuarial science. Urgh. Kalau dah suka semua baik ambik biz admin. Tapi aku tak gemar nak blajaq serba serbi. Konon2 all rounder laa. I dont want to be the jack of all trades, master of none.

Well actually banyak lagi element yang aku kna consider. These four only came out from on top of my head, but theres plenty more. Ahhh..nnt la fikir lain. Skarang mari concentrate dgn pemburuan takhta keenam. Bye.

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