Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pemburuan Tahkhta Keenam

Ok I have to admit. I am under a little pressure here. I've only been doing little studying and lots of time-wasting. Argh. Come on Azmil, you need to get you act together man. Banyak chapter kpt kena cover. Plus, there are abundant theories that I need to understand and memorize. What a pain in the butt. Grr. Subjects like operations management and strategic management is really killing me. And yeah, entrepreneurship is killing me too. Yes indeed, it is an easy subject whereas you had learnt all of the elements from semester 1 up until semester 5. But the downside is, yang ajaq aku entrepreneurship is Mr A, lecturer yang ajar aku OB sem lepas.

For those yang taktau cita can refer here. I dont want to get into details about what he has done this time, maybe later. But tell you, the guys a twat. Dahla tak bagi notes, padahal he promised he'll give it to us. Pastu dok sindir2, camdek2 and kutuk2 kami. Urgh moving on. Pemburuan takhta kali ni is different. For the first time in my preparation takda cigarettes. Im really scared that it might effect my performance. But it's even more scarier to realise that all this while I've been depending on cigarettes in my life. So this would be an opportunity for me to prove that I can excel without nicotine.

Only problem is, I'm bloody lazy. I havent done any productive things so far let alone studying OM. My mind wanders off I cant concentrate. I spent 3 hours covering 1 chapter tadi. Urgh. I need to focus man. Banyak sngt fikir psal tettt. I need to get rid of these distractions. Another reason why aku rasa aku malas is because I've been quitting smoking. Dont get me wrong. I know I sounded as if like I want to imply that quitting was a mistake but it's not. Bukannya nak cari salah orang/benda lain but it's the truth. When I was in that hellish withdrawal period (the first two weeks), I've mastered the art of procrastinating and delaying.

The art of procrastinating lol, is a skill that I need to master in order to handle my addictions and cravings. Whenever I felt like I want to smoke, I will do or think something to delay the act until my cravings subside. The more cravings I have the more procrastinations was needed. Alhamdulillah I have hurdled through that period, tapi skill procrastination a.k.a skill bermalas-malasan ni masih lagi dok terbawak-bawak sampai skarang. Urgh. Ya Allah kuatkan semangat aku untuk menempuhi dugaan kali ini. Anyway that's about it. Nak pi Big Apple beli Donashi, haha semalam takdan pi beli. Bye

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