Saturday, August 7, 2010


haha gedik gila Azmil. Actually the post earlier was written yesterday. So what I felt yesterday got nothing to do with what I feel today. ;-) haha saja ja nak post jugak apa aku tulis semalam sbb rasa cam rugi jaa. (>.<) I felt way and much much better today after I talked to her last night. As usual she always give me that strength that I much needed. Thanx hun! She also threw a little something which makes me so pump up to complete the task. I mean before this pun memang we already had an arrangement, but yesterday she raised the bet reward. ;-)

haha nnt2 lah, right now I really need to concentrate on this particular task. It has been a week and Im very proud I have come this far. Lepas ni tak gadoh sngt because I can easily rationalize my craving by telling myself how far that I got, and it would be a shame to give up at this point. Yeay me.I wont forgive myself if I fail. I really really really really want this. Plus Im really looking forward to the day she threw her perigi cannot cari timba theory :P ok toddles