Thursday, August 26, 2010


Abes sudah exam. Exam paling malas and paling cincai pernah aku buat. Haih. Tadi paper Human Resource Management pun susah. Pfftt. Dahla buta-buta ja confirm hilang 10 markah. Urgh. Hopefully the rest ok and salah pun tak banyak so boleh make up to the 10 marks loss. :) Anyway, quoting naqiuddin; don't cry about what you have done, smile because it’s over…. hope i did okay or at least i did enough, so that aku boleh kejar balik nanti.

I ym'ed Madam Idayu complaining about how hard her paper was, and apart from her trademark banter towards me >.<, she said nvmd hero kalh dulu. lol Lagipun I always did badly pun for her mid term paper. Out of 6 semesters, she had taught me for 4 sems and never once I had aced her mid term paper. sobs. Okay enough about exams. Exam is over, but school's not over yet. We still have another week to go. Sobs. Malasnya. Rasa cam nak cuti jaa cepat2. Dahla assignment satu apa pun tak start lagi :(

As for this coming eid mubarak prep, I had done a little shopping for myself. This year I opt for the minimalist theme as financial is very tight. Sobs. Bought shirts and baju melayu so far. I noticed the change in taste too. All shirts bought so far are collared shirt. Tak beli pun t-shirt round neck apa bagai. Haha sbb kawan dgn makcik kot dats why la beli collared shirt, konon2 nak attune to makcik's image as a future pharmacist >.<. Anyway, here's a sneak peak to satisfy your premonition ;-)

Haha aku pun taktau colour apa ni. Biru kehijauan? Hijau kebiruan? to us guys only basic colours exist,you know, like blue, red, green. Peach, beige, violet is not a colour.And dont make me start with sky blue, cerise, papaya whip, you do not want me to go there. I'll go mak nenek over such ridiculous colour. Grr. Okay people going off now. Ada orang tu nak dapat phone baru *jeles*. Anyway here's Najwa in her shopping cart. Haha. Gedik tui adik aku sorang ni.

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