Saturday, August 7, 2010


I feel like I am slowly losing everything. I feel really weak,as if everything is out of my reach. I know as a muslim, we must admit and acknowledged that higher power exist; that divine fate Allah bestow upon us. But it still hurts to see someone you love suffers. I feel really hapless because things is not under our control and there's nothing I can do accept pray and hope for the best.

There are too many things happening in a very short time, and it feels like im losing grip in all battles Im currently fighting. Damnit. Yesterday I felt so vulnerable and so weak I almost had a cigarettes. It was a close one. I barely came out of the 'fight' alive. With all things that had happened, it it almost possible to control yourself and handle your withdrawal. Grr, why does it have to be this fucking hard?

I know, I curse a lot these days. All the time Im speaking vulgar language most times I hurt the people around me. Experiencing withdrawal does not give you the right to be a jerk. Haih. Ok bye, takdak mood nak tlis. fucking retard.

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