Monday, July 12, 2010


We were taking a nap talking about Paul the Octopus at the library yesterday and one thing led to another, we talked about rituals. We were talking about this odd and bizarre rituals that we do before doing/encountering anything. I realized that I tend to stick to one particular ritual and I hardly changed the order or procedures unless something bad happens. Why change when things are going great?

Back in the days when I was playing competitive football, I had quite a collection of football boots. I don’t have any real system on which boots should I be wearing for the day. Unlike girls who have this ‘built-in’ system in them on deciding which to wear on which day and to go along with which outfit. Basically I wore my football boots base on the results of the game I played. If something good happened (the team won, I scored a goal), it is likely that I will be wearing the same boots in the next match. And if something bad happened (the team lost, got yellow-carded) then only I’d wear other boots.

The same goes to my student’s life. Usually when the exams is around the corner be it finals or mid terms, I would go to the library to get copies of the past year exam papers. Bukannya jawab pun past years paper tu. Kadang-kadang tak pandang pun, but like I said, why change when things are going great. It’s the part of the rituals I do before taking the final examinations. Like how I started my first class everyday with a can of red bull. And like how I only do ‘business’ in the furthest right toilet at the restroom near Dewan Mutiara. Grrr

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not something that I really believed in. Khurafat tu. It is just a bizarre routine that I have that if not completed, I’ll feel that my preparation is incomplete. So basically it’s not really a ritual, as it is more about preparations and routine. An odd one. Better go take a shower now. Final sem ni first time dapat class pukul lapan >.<. Dahla jadual pun tak best.. urgh. Tapi hari ni half day ja. Org tu jangan jeles :P

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